sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.18

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.18

2. Nandanavagga
2. The Garden of Delight


A Sense of Shame Conscience

“Hirīnisedho puriso,
“A person restrained by a sense of shame:
“Can a person constrained by conscience

koci lokasmiṁ vijjati;
Is there in the world to be found?
be found in the world?

Yo nindaṁ apabodhati,
One who draws back from blame
Who shies away from blame,

asso bhadro kasāmivā”ti.
As a good horse does from the whip?”
like a fine horse from the whip?”

“Hirīnisedhā tanuyā,
“Few are those restrained by a sense of shame
“Few are those constrained by conscience,

ye caranti sadā satā;
Who fare always mindful;
who live always mindful.

Antaṁ dukkhassa pappuyya,
Few, having reached the end of suffering,
Having reached the end of suffering,

caranti visame saman”ti.
Fare evenly amidst the uneven. ”
they live smoothly in the rough.”