sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.19

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.19

2. Nandanavagga
2. The Garden of Delight


A Little Hut Little Hut

“Kacci te kuṭikā natthi,
“Don’t you have a little hut?
“Don’t you have a little hut?

kacci natthi kulāvakā;
Don’t you have a little nest?
Don’t you have a little nest?

Kacci santānakā natthi,
Don’t you have any lines extended?
Don’t you have any networks?

kacci muttosi bandhanā”ti.
Are you free from bondage?”
Aren’t you free of shackles?”

“Taggha me kuṭikā natthi,
“Surely I have no little hut,
“Indeed I have no little hut.

taggha natthi kulāvakā;
Surely I have no little nest,
Indeed I have no little nest.

Taggha santānakā natthi,
Surely I have no lines extended,
Indeed I have no networks.

taggha muttomhi bandhanā”ti.
Surely I’m free from bondage. ”
Indeed I’m free from shackles.”

“Kintāhaṁ kuṭikaṁ brūmi,
“What do you think I call a little hut?
“What do you think I call a little hut?

kiṁ te brūmi kulāvakaṁ;
What do you think I call a little nest?
What do I call a little nest?

Kiṁ te santānakaṁ brūmi,
What do you think I call lines extended?
What do you think I call a network?

kintāhaṁ brūmi bandhanan”ti.
What do you think I call bondage?”
And what do I call a shackle?”

“Mātaraṁ kuṭikaṁ brūsi,
“It’s a mother that you call a little hut,
“You call a mother a little hut;

bhariyaṁ brūsi kulāvakaṁ;
A wife that you call a little nest,
and a wife a little nest.

Putte santānake brūsi,
Sons that you call lines extended,
You call children a network,

taṇhaṁ me brūsi bandhanan”ti.
Craving that you tell me is bondage. ”
and you tell me craving’s a shackle.”

“Sāhu te kuṭikā natthi,
“It’s good that you have no little hut,
“It’s good you have no little hut!

sāhu natthi kulāvakā;
Good that you have no little nest,
It’s good you have no little nest!

Sāhu santānakā natthi,
Good that you have no lines extended,
It’s good you have no networks!

sāhu muttosi bandhanā”ti.
Good that you are free from bondage. ”
And good that you’re free from shackles.”