sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.24

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.24

3. Sattivagga
3. A Sword


Reining in the Mind Shielding the Mind

“Yato yato mano nivāraye,
“From whatever one reins in the mind,
“Whatever you’ve shielded the mind from

Na dukkhameti naṁ tato tato;
From that no suffering comes to one.
can’t cause you suffering.

Sa sabbato mano nivāraye,
Should one rein in the mind from everything,
So you should shield the mind from everything,

Sa sabbato dukkhā pamuccatī”ti.
One is freed from all suffering. ”
then you’re freed from all suffering.”

“Na sabbato mano nivāraye,
“One need not rein in the mind from everything
“You needn’t shield the mind from everything.

Na mano saṁyatattamāgataṁ;
When the mind has come under control.
When the mind is under control,

Yato yato ca pāpakaṁ,
From whatever it is that evil comes,
you need only shield the mind

Tato tato mano nivāraye”ti.
From this one should rein in the mind. ”
from where the bad things come.”