sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.27

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.27

3. Sattivagga
3. A Sword


Streams Streams

“Kuto sarā nivattanti,
“From where do the streams turn back?
“From where do streams turn back?

kattha vaṭṭaṁ na vattati;
Where does the round no longer revolve?
Where does the cycle spin no more?

Kattha nāmañca rūpañca,
Where does name-and-form cease,
Where do name and form

asesaṁ uparujjhatī”ti.
Stop without remainder?”
cease with nothing left over?”

“Yattha āpo ca pathavī,
“Where water, earth,
“Where water and earth,

tejo vāyo na gādhati;
fire, and air, Do not gain a footing:
fire and air find no footing—

Ato sarā nivattanti,
It is from here that the streams turn back,
from there the streams turn back;

ettha vaṭṭaṁ na vattati;
Here that the round no longer revolves;
there the cycle spins no more;

Ettha nāmañca rūpañca,
Here name-and-form ceases,
and there it is that name and form

asesaṁ uparujjhatī”ti.
Stops without remainder.
cease with nothing left over.”