sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.70

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.70

7. Addhavagga
7. Oppressed


World The World

“Kismiṁ loko samuppanno,
“In what has the world arisen?
“What has the world arisen in?

kismiṁ kubbati santhavaṁ;
In what does it form intimacy?
What does it get close to?

Kissa loko upādāya,
By clinging to what is the world
By grasping what

kismiṁ loko vihaññatī”ti.
Harassed in regard to what?”
is the world troubled in what?”

“Chasu loko samuppanno,
“In six has the world arisen;
“The world’s arisen in six.

chasu kubbati santhavaṁ;
In six it forms intimacy;
It gets close to six.

Channameva upādāya,
By clinging to six the world
By grasping at these six,

chasu loko vihaññatī”ti.
Is harassed in regard to six. ”
the world’s troubled in six.”

Addhavaggo sattamo.


Nāmaṁ cittañca taṇhā ca,

saṁyojanañca bandhanā;

Abbhāhatuḍḍito pihito,

icchā lokena te dasāti.