sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.73

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.73

8. Chetvāvagga
8. Incinerated


Treasure Wealth

“Kiṁsūdha vittaṁ purisassa seṭṭhaṁ,
“What here is a man’s best treasure?
“What’s a person’s best wealth?

Kiṁsu suciṇṇo sukhamāvahati;
What practised well brings happiness?
What brings happiness when practiced well?

Kiṁsu have sādutaraṁ rasānaṁ,
What is really the sweetest of tastes?
What’s the sweetest taste of all?

Kathaṁjīviṁ jīvitamāhu seṭṭhan”ti.
How lives the one whom they say lives best?”
The one they say has the best life: how do they live?”

“Saddhīdha vittaṁ purisassa seṭṭhaṁ,
“Faith is here a man’s best treasure;
“Faith here is a person’s best wealth.

Dhammo suciṇṇo sukhamāvahati;
Dhamma practised well brings happiness;
The teaching brings happiness when practiced well.

Saccaṁ have sādutaraṁ rasānaṁ,
Truth is really the sweetest of tastes;
Truth is the sweetest taste of all.

Paññājīviṁ jīvitamāhu seṭṭhan”ti.
One living by wisdom they say lives best. ”
The one they say has the best life lives by wisdom.”