sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.78

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.78

8. Chetvāvagga
8. Incinerated


Love Desire

“Kimatthakāmo na dade,
“What should he not give who loves the good?
“What should one who desires the good <j>not give away?

kiṁ macco na pariccaje;
What should a mortal not relinquish?
What should a mortal not reject?

Kiṁsu muñceyya kalyāṇaṁ,
What should one release when it’s good,
What should be let out when it’s good,

pāpikaṁ na ca mocaye”ti.
But not release when it’s bad?”
but not when it’s bad?”

“Attānaṁ na dade poso,
“A person should not give himself away;
“A man shouldn’t give away himself.

attānaṁ na pariccaje;
He should not relinquish himself.
He shouldn’t reject himself.

Vācaṁ muñceyya kalyāṇaṁ,
One should release speech that is good,
Speech should be let out when it’s good,

pāpikañca na mocaye”ti.
But not speech that is bad. ”
but not when it’s bad.”