sutta » sn » sn2 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 2.14

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 2.14

2. Anāthapiṇḍikavagga
2. With Anāthapiṇḍika


Nandana With Nandana

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho nandano devaputto bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
Standing to one side, the young deva Nandana addressed the Blessed One in verse:
Standing to one side, the god Nandana addressed the Buddha in verse:

“Pucchāmi taṁ gotama bhūripañña,
“I ask you, Gotama, broad of wisdom—
“I ask you, Gotama, whose wisdom is vast,

Anāvaṭaṁ bhagavato ñāṇadassanaṁ;
Unobstructed is the Blessed One’s knowledge and vision:
the Blessed One <j>of unhindered knowledge and vision.

Kathaṁvidhaṁ sīlavantaṁ vadanti,
What is he like whom they call virtuous?
What kind of person do they call ethical?

Kathaṁvidhaṁ paññavantaṁ vadanti;
What is he like whom they call wise?
What kind of person do they call wise?

Kathaṁvidho dukkhamaticca iriyati,
What is he like who has passed beyond suffering?
What kind of person lives on <j>after transcending suffering?

Kathaṁvidhaṁ devatā pūjayantī”ti.
What is he like whom the devatās worship?”
What kind of person is worshipped by the deities?”

“Yo sīlavā paññavā bhāvitatto,
“One virtuous, wise, of developed mind,
“A person who is ethical, wise, evolved,

Samāhito jhānarato satīmā;
Concentrated, mindful, enjoying jhāna,
becomes serene, loving absorption, mindful,

Sabbassa sokā vigatā pahīnā,
For whom all sorrows are gone, abandoned,
who’s gotten rid of and given up all sorrows,

Khīṇāsavo antimadehadhārī.
A taint-destroyer bearing his final body:
with defilements ended, they bear their final body.

Tathāvidhaṁ sīlavantaṁ vadanti,
It is such a one that they call virtuous,
That’s the kind of person they call ethical.

Tathāvidhaṁ paññavantaṁ vadanti;
Such a one that they call wise,
That’s the kind of person they call wise.

Tathāvidho dukkhamaticca iriyati,
Such a one has passed beyond suffering,
That kind of person lives on <j>after transcending suffering.

Tathāvidhaṁ devatā pūjayantī”ti.
Such a one the devatās worship. ”
That kind of person is worshipped by the deities.”