sutta » sn » sn5 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 5.3

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 5.3

1. Bhikkhunīvagga
1. Nuns


Gotamī With Kisāgotamī

At Sāvatthī.
At Sāvatthī.

Atha kho kisāgotamī bhikkhunī pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya sāvatthiṁ piṇḍāya pāvisi.
Then, in the morning, the bhikkhunī Kisāgotamī dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Sāvatthī for alms.
Then the nun Kisāgotamī robed up in the morning and, taking her bowl and robe, entered Sāvatthī for alms.

Sāvatthiyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkantā yena andhavanaṁ tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā divāvihārāya.
When she had walked for alms in Sāvatthī and had returned from her alms round, after her meal she went to the Blind Men’s Grove for the day’s abiding.
She wandered for alms in Sāvatthī. After the meal, on her return from almsround, she went to the Dark Forest,

Andhavanaṁ ajjhogāhetvā aññatarasmiṁ rukkhamūle divāvihāraṁ nisīdi.
Having plunged into the Blind Men’s Grove, she sat down at the foot of a tree for the day’s abiding.
plunged deep into it, and sat at the root of a tree for the day’s meditation.

Atha kho māro pāpimā kisāgotamiyā bhikkhuniyā bhayaṁ chambhitattaṁ lomahaṁsaṁ uppādetukāmo samādhimhā cāvetukāmo yena kisāgotamī bhikkhunī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā kisāgotamiṁ bhikkhuniṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
Then Māra the Evil One, desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in the bhikkhunī Kisāgotamī, desiring to make her fall away from concentration, approached her and addressed her in verse:
Then Māra the Wicked, wanting to make the nun Kisāgotamī feel fear, terror, and goosebumps, wanting to make her fall away from immersion, went up to her and addressed her in verse:

“Kiṁ nu tvaṁ mataputtāva,
“Why now, when your son is dead,
“Why do you sit alone and cry

ekamāsi rudammukhī;
Do you sit alone with tearful face?
as if your children have died?

Vanamajjhagatā ekā,
Having entered the woods all alone,
You’ve come to the woods all alone—

purisaṁ nu gavesasī”ti.
Are you on the lookout for a man?”
you must be looking for a man!”

Atha kho kisāgotamiyā bhikkhuniyā etadahosi:
Then it occurred to the bhikkhunī Kisāgotamī:
Then the nun Kisāgotamī thought,

“ko nu khvāyaṁ manusso vā amanusso vā gāthaṁ bhāsatī”ti?
“Now who is this that recited the verse—a human being or a nonhuman being?”
“Who’s speaking this verse, a human or a non-human?”

Atha kho kisāgotamiyā bhikkhuniyā etadahosi:
Then it occurred to her:
Then she thought,

“māro kho ayaṁ pāpimā mama bhayaṁ chambhitattaṁ lomahaṁsaṁ uppādetukāmo samādhimhā cāvetukāmo gāthaṁ bhāsatī”ti.
“This is Māra the Evil One, who has recited the verse desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in me, desiring to make me fall away from concentration. ”
“This is Māra the Wicked, wanting to make me feel fear, terror, and goosebumps, wanting to make me fall away from immersion!”

Atha kho kisāgotamī bhikkhunī “māro ayaṁ pāpimā” iti viditvā māraṁ pāpimantaṁ gāthāhi paccabhāsi:
Then the bhikkhunī Kisāgotamī, having understood, “This is Māra the Evil One, ” replied to him in verses:
Then Kisāgotamī, knowing that this was Māra the Wicked, replied to him in verse:

“Accantaṁ mataputtāmhi,
“I’ve gotten past the death of sons;
“I’ve got over the death of children,

purisā etadantikā;
With this, the search for men has ended.
and I’m finished with men.

Na socāmi na rodāmi,
I do not sorrow, I do not weep,
I don’t grieve or lament,

na taṁ bhāyāmi āvuso.
Nor do I fear you, friend .
and I’m not afraid of you, sir!

Sabbattha vihatā nandī,
“Delight everywhere has been destroyed,
Relishing is destroyed in every respect,

tamokkhandho padālito;
The mass of darkness has been sundered.
and the mass of darkness is shattered.

Jetvāna maccuno senaṁ,
Having conquered the army of Death,
I’ve defeated the army of death,

viharāmi anāsavā”ti.
I dwell without defiling taints. ”
and live without defilements.”

Atha kho māro pāpimā “jānāti maṁ kisāgotamī bhikkhunī”ti dukkhī dummano tatthevantaradhāyīti.
Then Māra the Evil One, realizing, “The bhikkhunī Kisāgotamī knows me, ” sad and disappointed, disappeared right there.
Then Māra the Wicked, thinking, “The nun Kisāgotamī knows me!” miserable and sad, vanished right there.