sutta » sn » sn6 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 6.11

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 6.11

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


Sanaṅkumāra With Sanaṅkumāra

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
Thus have I heard.
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā rājagahe viharati sappinītīre.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rājagaha on the bank of the river Sappinī.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, on the bank of the Sappinī river.

Atha kho brahmā sanaṅkumāro abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇo kevalakappaṁ sappinītīraṁ obhāsetvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Then, when the night had advanced, Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire bank of the river Sappinī, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and stood to one side.
Then, late at night, the beautiful Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra, lighting up the entire Sappinī riverbank, went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side,

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho brahmā sanaṅkumāro bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Standing to one side, he recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
and recited this verse in the Buddha’s presence:

“Khattiyo seṭṭho janetasmiṁ,
“The khattiya is the best among people
“The aristocrat is best among people

ye gottapaṭisārino;
For those whose standard is the clan,
who take clan as the standard.

But one accomplished in knowledge and conduct
But one accomplished in knowledge and conduct

so seṭṭho devamānuse”ti.
Is best among devas and humans. ”
is best among gods and humans.”

Idamavoca brahmā sanaṅkumāro.
This is what Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra said.
That’s what Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra said,

Samanuñño satthā ahosi.
The Teacher approved.
and the teacher approved.

Atha kho brahmā sanaṅkumāro “samanuñño me satthā”ti bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā tatthevantaradhāyīti.
Then Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra, thinking, “The Teacher has approved of me, ” paid homage to the Blessed One and, keeping him on his right, he disappeared right there.
Then Brahmā Sanaṅkumāra, knowing that the teacher approved, bowed and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right, before vanishing right there.