sutta » sn » sn8 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 8.8

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 8.8

1. Vaṅgīsavagga
1. With Vaṅgīsa


Over a Thousand Over a Thousand

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṁ aḍḍhatelasehi bhikkhusatehi.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park, together with a great Saṅgha of bhikkhus, with , bhikkhus.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery, together with a large Saṅgha of 1,250 mendicants.

Tena kho pana samayena bhagavā bhikkhū nibbānapaṭisaṁyuttāya dhammiyā kathāya sandasseti samādapeti samuttejeti sampahaṁseti.
Now on that occasion the Blessed One was instructing, exhorting, inspiring, and gladdening the bhikkhus with a Dhamma talk concerning Nibbāna.
Now at that time the Buddha was educating, encouraging, firing up, and inspiring the mendicants with a Dhamma talk about extinguishment.

Te ca bhikkhū aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi katvā sabbacetasā samannāharitvā ohitasotā dhammaṁ suṇanti.
And those bhikkhus were listening to the Dhamma with eager ears, attending to it as a matter of vital concern, directing their whole mind to it.
And those mendicants were paying attention, applying the mind, concentrating wholeheartedly, and actively listening.

Atha kho āyasmato vaṅgīsassa etadahosi:
Then it occurred to the Venerable Vaṅgīsa:
Then Venerable Vaṅgīsa thought,

“ayaṁ kho bhagavā bhikkhū nibbānapaṭisaṁyuttāya dhammiyā kathāya sandasseti samādapeti samuttejeti sampahaṁseti.
This Blessed One is instructing the bhikkhus with a Dhamma talk concerning Nibbāna.
“The Buddha is educating, encouraging, firing up, and inspiring the mendicants with a Dhamma talk about extinguishment.

Te ca bhikkhū aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi katvā sabbacetasā samannāharitvā ohitasotā dhammaṁ suṇanti.
And those bhikkhus are listening to the Dhamma with eager ears…”
And those mendicants are paying attention, applying the mind, concentrating wholeheartedly, and actively listening.

Yannūnāhaṁ bhagavantaṁ sammukhā sāruppāhi gāthāhi abhitthaveyyan”ti.
Let me extol the Blessed One to his face with suitable verses.”
Why don’t I extoll him in his presence with fitting verses?”

Atha kho āyasmā vaṅgīso uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā yena bhagavā tenañjaliṁ paṇāmetvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then the Venerable Vaṅgīsa rose from his seat, arranged his upper robe over one shoulder, and, raising his joined hands in reverential salutation towards the Blessed One, said to him:
Then Venerable Vaṅgīsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe over one shoulder, raised his joined palms toward the Buddha, and said,

“paṭibhāti maṁ, bhagavā, paṭibhāti maṁ, sugatā”ti.
An inspiration has come to me, Blessed One! An inspiration has come to me, Fortunate One!
“I feel inspired to speak, Blessed One! I feel inspired to speak, Holy One!”

“Paṭibhātu taṁ, vaṅgīsā”ti bhagavā avoca.
Then express your inspiration, Vaṅgīsa.
“Then speak as you feel inspired,” said the Buddha.

Atha kho āyasmā vaṅgīso bhagavantaṁ sammukhā sāruppāhi gāthāhi abhitthavi:
Then the Venerable Vaṅgīsa extolled the Blessed One to his face with suitable verses
Then Vaṅgīsa extolled the Buddha in his presence with fitting verses:

“Parosahassaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ,
“Over a thousand bhikkhus here
“Over a thousand mendicants

sugataṁ payirupāsati;
Attend upon the Fortunate One
revere the Holy One

Desentaṁ virajaṁ dhammaṁ,
As he teaches the dust-free Dhamma,
as he teaches the immaculate Dhamma,

nibbānaṁ akutobhayaṁ.
Nibbāna inaccessible to fear.
extinguishment, fearing nothing from any quarter.

Suṇanti dhammaṁ vimalaṁ,
“They listen to the stainless Dhamma
They listen to the immaculate Dhamma

Taught by the Perfectly Enlightened One.
taught by the fully awakened Buddha;

Sobhati vata sambuddho,
The Enlightened One indeed shines
the Buddha is so brilliant,

Honoured by the Bhikkhu Saṅgha.
at the fore of the mendicant Saṅgha,

Nāganāmosi bhagavā,
“O Blessed One, your name is ‘Nāga, ’
Blessed One, your name is ‘Giant’,

isīnaṁ isisattamo;
The best seer of the seers.
seventh of the sages.

Mahāmeghova hutvāna,
Like a great cloud bearing rain
You are like a great cloud

sāvake abhivassati.
You pour down on the disciples.
that rains on your disciples.

Divāvihārā nikkhamma,
“Having emerged from his daytime abode
I’ve left my day’s meditation,

From a desire to behold the Teacher,
out of desire to see the teacher.

Sāvako te mahāvīra,
Your disciple Vaṅgīsa, O great hero,
Great hero, your disciple Vaṅgīsa

pāde vandati vaṅgiso”ti.
Bows down in worship at your feet.
bows at your feet.”

“Kiṁ nu te, vaṅgīsa, imā gāthāyo pubbe parivitakkitā, udāhu ṭhānasova taṁ paṭibhantī”ti?
“Had you already thought out these verses, Vaṅgīsa, or did they occur to you spontaneously?”
“Vaṅgīsa, had you previously composed these verses, or did they spring to mind in the moment?”

“Na kho me, bhante, imā gāthāyo pubbe parivitakkitā, atha kho ṭhānasova maṁ paṭibhantī”ti.
“I had not already thought out these verses, venerable sir; they occurred to me spontaneously.”
“They sprang to mind in the moment, sir.”

“Tena hi taṁ, vaṅgīsa, bhiyyoso mattāya pubbe aparivitakkitā gāthāyo paṭibhantū”ti.
“In that case, Vaṅgīsa, let some more verses, not already thought out, occur to you.”
“Well then, Vaṅgīsa, speak some more spontaneously inspired verses.”

“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho āyasmā vaṅgīso bhagavato paṭissutvā bhiyyoso mattāya bhagavantaṁ pubbe aparivitakkitāhi gāthāhi abhitthavi:
“Yes, venerable sir, ” the Venerable Vaṅgīsa replied. Then he extolled the Blessed One with some more verses that had not been previously thought out:
“Yes, sir,” replied Vaṅgīsa. Then he extolled the Buddha with some more spontaneously inspired verses, not previously composed:

“Ummaggapathaṁ mārassa abhibhuyya,
“Having overcome the deviant course of Māra’s path,
“Having overcome Māra’s devious path,

Carasi pabhijja khilāni;
You fare having demolished barrenness of mind.
you wander with hard-heartedness dissolved.

Taṁ passatha bandhapamuñcakaraṁ,
Behold him, the releaser from bondage,
See him, the liberator from bonds, unattached,

Asitaṁ bhāgaso pavibhajaṁ.
Unattached, dissecting into parts.
analyzing the teaching.

Oghassa nittharaṇatthaṁ,
“For the sake of leading us across the flood
You have explained in many ways

Anekavihitaṁ maggaṁ akkhāsi;
You declared the path with its many aspects.
the path to cross the flood.

Tasmiñce amate akkhāte,
The seers of Dhamma stand immovable
The Seers of Truth stand unfaltering

Dhammaddasā ṭhitā asaṁhīrā.
In that Deathless declared by you.
in the freedom from death you’ve explained.

Pajjotakaro ativijjha,
“The light-maker, having pierced right through,
As the bringer of light who has pierced the truth,

Sabbaṭṭhitīnaṁ atikkamamaddasa;
Saw the transcendence of all stations;
you’ve seen what lies beyond all realms.

Ñatvā ca sacchikatvā ca,
Having known and realized it himself,
When you saw and realized this for yourself,

Aggaṁ so desayi dasaddhānaṁ.
He taught the chief matter to the five.
you taught it first to the group of five.

Evaṁ sudesite dhamme,
“When the Dhamma has been so well taught,
When the Dhamma has been so well taught,

Ko pamādo vijānataṁ dhammaṁ;
What negligence is there for those who understand it?
how could those who know it be negligent?

Tasmā hi tassa bhagavato sāsane,
Therefore, living diligent in the Blessed One’s Teaching,
That’s why, being diligent, we should always train

Appamatto sadā namassamanusikkhe”ti.
One should always reverently train in it.
respectfully in the Buddha’s teaching.”