sutta » sn » sn8 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 8.9

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 8.9

1. Vaṅgīsavagga
1. With Vaṅgīsa


Koṇḍañña With Koṇḍañña

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā rājagahe viharati veḷuvane kalandakanivāpe.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rājagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, in the Bamboo Grove, the squirrels’ feeding ground.

Atha kho āyasmā aññāsikoṇḍañño sucirasseva yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā bhagavato pādāni mukhena ca paricumbati, pāṇīhi ca parisambāhati, nāmañca sāveti:
Then the Venerable Aññā Koṇḍañña, after a very long absence, approached the Blessed One, prostrated himself with his head at the Blessed One’s feet, kissed the Blessed One’s feet, stroked them with his hands,and announced his name thus:
Then Venerable Koṇḍañña Who Understood approached the Buddha after a very long absence. He bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet, caressing them and covering them with kisses, and pronounced his name:

“koṇḍaññohaṁ, bhagavā, koṇḍaññohaṁ, sugatā”ti.
“I am Koṇḍañña, Blessed One! I am Koṇḍañña, Fortunate One!”
“I am Koṇḍañña, Blessed One! I am Koṇḍañña, Holy One!”

Atha kho āyasmato vaṅgīsassa etadahosi:
Then it occurred to the Venerable Vaṅgīsa:
Then Venerable Vaṅgīsa thought,

“ayaṁ kho āyasmā aññāsikoṇḍañño sucirasseva yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā bhagavato pādāni mukhena ca paricumbati, pāṇīhi ca parisambāhati, nāmañca sāveti:
“This Venerable Aññā Koṇḍañña, after a very long absence, has approached the Blessed One … kisses the Blessed One’s feet, strokes them with his hands, and announces his name...
“This Venerable Koṇḍañña Who Understood has approached the Buddha after a very long absence. He bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet, caressing them and covering them with kisses, and pronounced his name:

‘koṇḍaññohaṁ, bhagavā, koṇḍaññohaṁ, sugatā’ti.
‘I am Koṇḍañña, Blessed One! I am Koṇḍañña, Fortunate One!’
‘I am Koṇḍañña, Blessed One! I am Koṇḍañña, Holy One!’

Yannūnāhaṁ āyasmantaṁ aññāsikoṇḍaññaṁ bhagavato sammukhā sāruppāhi gāthāhi abhitthaveyyan”ti.
. Let me extol the Venerable Aññā Koṇḍañña in the Blessed One’s presence with suitable verses.”
Why don’t I extoll him in the Buddha’s presence with fitting verses?”

Atha kho āyasmā vaṅgīso uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā yena bhagavā tenañjaliṁ paṇāmetvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then the Venerable Vaṅgīsa rose from his seat, arranged his upper robe over one shoulder, and, raising his joined hands in reverential salutation towards the Blessed One,
Then Venerable Vaṅgīsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe over one shoulder, raised his joined palms toward the Buddha, and said,

“paṭibhāti maṁ, bhagavā, paṭibhāti maṁ, sugatā”ti.
said to him: “An inspiration has come to me, Blessed One! An inspiration has come to me, Fortunate One!”
“I feel inspired to speak, Blessed One! I feel inspired to speak, Holy One!”

“Paṭibhātu taṁ, vaṅgīsā”ti bhagavā avoca.
“Then express your inspiration, Vaṅgīsa.”
“Then speak as you feel inspired,” said the Buddha.

Atha kho āyasmā vaṅgīso āyasmantaṁ aññāsikoṇḍaññaṁ bhagavato sammukhā sāruppāhi gāthāhi abhitthavi:
Then the Venerable Vaṅgīsa extolled the Venerable Aññā Koṇḍañña in the Blessed One’s presence with suitable verses:
Then Vaṅgīsa extolled Koṇḍañña in the Buddha’s presence with fitting verses:

“Buddhānubuddho so thero,
“Enlightened in succession to the Buddha,
“The senior monk who was awakened <j>right after the Buddha,

koṇḍañño tibbanikkamo;
The elder Koṇḍañña, of strong endeavour,
Koṇḍañña, is keenly energetic.

Lābhī sukhavihārānaṁ,
Is one who gains pleasant dwellings,
He regularly gains blissful meditative states,

vivekānaṁ abhiṇhaso.
One who often gains the seclusions.
and the three kinds of seclusion.

Yaṁ sāvakena pattabbaṁ,
“Whatever may be attained by a disciple
Whatever can be attained by a disciple

Who practises the Master’s Teaching,
who does the Teacher’s bidding,

Sabbassa taṁ anuppattaṁ,
All that has been attained by him,
he has attained it all,

appamattassa sikkhato.
One who trained diligently.
through diligently training himself.

Mahānubhāvo tevijjo,
“Of great might, a triple-knowledge man,
With great power and the three knowledges,

Skilled in the course of others’ minds—
expert in comprehending the minds of others,

Koṇḍañño buddhadāyādo,
Koṇḍañña, a true heir of the Buddha,
Koṇḍañña, the heir to the Buddha,

pāde vandati satthuno”ti.
Pays homage at the Teacher’s feet.
bows at the Teacher’s feet.”