sutta » sn » sn9 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 9.3

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 9.3

1. Vanavagga
1. In the Woods


Kassapagotta With Kassapagotta

Ekaṁ samayaṁ āyasmā kassapagotto kosalesu viharati aññatarasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe.
On one occasion the Venerable Kassapagotta was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket.
At one time Venerable Kassapagotta was staying in the land of the Kosalans in a certain forest grove.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā kassapagotto divāvihāragato aññataraṁ chetaṁ ovadati.
Now on that occasion,when he had gone for his day’s abiding, the Venerable Kassapagotta exhorted a certain hunter.
Now at that time Venerable Kassapagotta, having withdrawn for his day’s meditation, tried to advise a tribal hunter.

Atha kho yā tasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe adhivatthā devatā āyasmantaṁ kassapagottaṁ saṁvejetukāmā yenāyasmā kassapagotto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ kassapagottaṁ gāthāhi ajjhabhāsi:
Then the devatā that inhabited that woodland thicket, having compassion for the Venerable Kassapagotta, desiring his good,desiring to stir up a sense of urgency in him, approached him and addressed him in verses:
Then the deity haunting that forest approached Kassapagotta wanting to stir him up, and recited these verses:

“Giriduggacaraṁ chetaṁ,
A hunter, roaming in the rugged mountains
“A tribal hunter wandering the rugged hills

appapaññaṁ acetasaṁ;
With little wisdom, devoid of sense.
is unintelligent, unthinking.

Akāle ovadaṁ bhikkhu,
Out of season. Like this bhikkhu I exhort.
It’s a waste of time to advise him;

mandova paṭibhāti maṁ.
He strikes me as a dolt.
this mendicant seems to me like an idiot.

Suṇāti na vijānāti,
He listens but does not understand,
The tribal hunter listens without understanding,

Āloketi na passati;
He looks but does not see;
he looks without seeing.

Dhammasmiṁ bhaññamānasmiṁ,
Though the Dhamma is being spoken,
Though the teaching is spoken,

Atthaṁ bālo na bujjhati.
The fool does not grasp the meaning.
the fool doesn’t get it.

Sacepi dasa pajjote,
Even if ten lamps
Even if you lit ten lamps

dhārayissasi kassapa;
you would bring to Kassapa,
and brought them to him, Kassapa,

Neva dakkhati rūpāni,
Still he would not see forms,
he wouldn’t see anything,

cakkhu hissa na vijjatī”ti.
For he does not have eyes to see.
for he has no eyes to see.”

Atha kho āyasmā kassapagotto tāya devatāya saṁvejito saṁvegamāpādīti.
Then the Venerable Kassapagotta, stirred up by that devatā,acquired a sense of urgency
Impelled by that deity, Venerable Kassapagotta was struck with a sense of urgency.