sutta » sn » sn9 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 9.12

Translators: bodhi and sujato

Noon Linked Discourses 9.12

1. Vanavagga
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket.
1. In the Woods


NONE Midday

Ekaṁ samayaṁ aññataro bhikkhu kosalesu viharati aññatarasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe.
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket.
At one time one of the mendicants was staying in the land of the Kosalans in a certain forest grove.

Atha kho tasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe adhivatthā devatā yena so bhikkhu tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā tassa bhikkhuno santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Then the devatā that inhabited that woodland thicket approached that bhikkhu and recited this verse in his presence:
The deity haunting that forest approached that mendicant and recited this verse in their presence:

“Ṭhite majjhanhike kāle,
“When the noon hour sets in,
“In the still of high noon,

sannisīvesu pakkhisu;
And the birds have settled down,
when the birds have settled down,

Saṇateva brahāraññaṁ,
The mighty forest itself murmurs:
the formidable jungle whispers to itself:

taṁ bhayaṁ paṭibhāti maṁ.
How fearful that appears to me!”
that seems so scary to me!”

Ṭhite majjhanhike kāle,
[The bhikkhu: ] “When the noon hour sets in,
“In the still of high noon,

sannisīvesu pakkhisu;
And the birds have settled down,
when the birds have settled down,

Saṇateva brahāraññaṁ,
The mighty forest itself murmurs:
the formidable jungle whispers to itself:

sā rati paṭibhāti man”ti.
How delightful that appears to me!”
that seems so delightful to me!”