sutta » sn » sn12 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 12.1

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 12.1

1. Buddhavagga
1. The Buddhas


Dependent Origination Dependent Origination

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
Thus have I heard.
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthı̄ in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus:
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants,


“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
“Venerable sir!” those bhikkhus replied.
“Venerable sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Blessed One said this:
The Buddha said this:

“paṭiccasamuppādaṁ vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi.
“Bhikkhus, I will teach you dependent origination.
“Mendicants, I will teach you dependent origination.

Taṁ suṇātha, sādhukaṁ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmī”ti.
Listen to that and attend closely, I will speak.”
Listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”

“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
“Yes, venerable sir,” those bhikkhus replied.
“Yes, sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Blessed One said this:
The Buddha said this:

“Katamo ca, bhikkhave, paṭiccasamuppādo?
“And what, bhikkhus, is dependent origination?
“And what is dependent origination?

Avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā;
With ignorance as condition, volitional formations [come to be];
Ignorance is a condition for choices.

saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ;
with volitional formations as condition, consciousness;
Choices are a condition for consciousness.

viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṁ;
with consciousness as condition, name-and-form;
Consciousness is a condition for name and form.

nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṁ;
with name-and-form as condition, the six sense bases;
Name and form are conditions for the six sense fields.

saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso;
with the six sense bases as condition, contact;
The six sense fields are conditions for contact.

phassapaccayā vedanā;
with contact as condition, feeling;
Contact is a condition for feeling.

vedanāpaccayā taṇhā;
with feeling as condition, craving;
Feeling is a condition for craving.

taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṁ;
with craving as condition, clinging;
Craving is a condition for grasping.

upādānapaccayā bhavo;
with clinging as condition, existence;
Grasping is a condition for continued existence.

bhavapaccayā jāti;
with existence as condition, birth;
Continued existence is a condition for rebirth.

jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṁ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti.
with birth as condition, aging-and-death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair come to be.
Rebirth is a condition for old age and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress to come to be.

Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
Such is the origin of this whole mass of suffering.
That is how this entire mass of suffering originates.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, paṭiccasamuppādo.
This, bhikkhus, is called dependent origination.
This is called dependent origination.

Avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā saṅkhāranirodho;
But with the remainderless fading away and cessation of ignorance, comes cessation of volitional formations;
When ignorance fades away and ceases with nothing left over, choices cease.

saṅkhāranirodhā viññāṇanirodho;
with the cessation of volitional formations, cessation of consciousness;
When choices cease, consciousness ceases.

viññāṇanirodhā nāmarūpanirodho;
with the cessation of consciousness, cessation of name-and-form;
When consciousness ceases, name and form cease.

nāmarūpanirodhā saḷāyatananirodho;
with the cessation of name-and-form, cessation of the six sense bases;
When name and form cease, the six sense fields cease.

saḷāyatananirodhā phassanirodho;
with the cessation of the six sense bases, cessation of contact;
When the six sense fields cease, contact ceases.

phassanirodhā vedanānirodho;
with the cessation of contact, cessation of feeling;
When contact ceases, feeling ceases.

vedanānirodhā taṇhānirodho;
with the cessation of feeling, cessation of craving;
When feeling ceases, craving ceases.

taṇhānirodhā upādānanirodho;
with the cessation of craving, cessation of clinging;
When craving ceases, grasping ceases.

upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho;
with the cessation of clinging, cessation of existence;
When grasping ceases, continued existence ceases.

bhavanirodhā jātinirodho;
with the cessation of existence, cessation of birth;
When continued existence ceases, rebirth ceases.

jātinirodhā jarāmaraṇaṁ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti.
with the cessation of birth, aging-and-death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair cease.
When rebirth ceases, old age and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress cease.

Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hotī”ti.
Such is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering.”
That is how this entire mass of suffering ceases.”

Idamavoca bhagavā.
This is what the Blessed One said.
That is what the Buddha said.

Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti.
Elated, those bhikkhus delighted in the Blessed One's statement.
Satisfied, the mendicants approved what the Buddha said.
