sutta » sn » sn14 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 14.23

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 14.23

3. Kammapathavagga
3. Ways of Performing Deeds


Lacking Immersion

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Dhātusova, bhikkhave, sattā saṁsandanti samenti.
“Mendicants, sentient beings come together and converge because of an element:

Assaddhā assaddhehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
the faithless with the faithless …

ahirikā ahirikehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
shameless …

anottappino anottappīhi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
imprudent …

asamāhitā asamāhitehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
lacking immersion …

duppaññā duppaññehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti.
witless …

Saddhā saddhehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
The faithful with the faithful …

hirimanā hirimanehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
conscientious …

ottappino ottappīhi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
prudent …

samāhitā samāhitehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
possessing immersion …

paññavanto paññavantehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samentī”ti.
and the wise with the wise.”
