sutta » sn » sn14 » Index of sn14

SN14.1 Dhātunānattasutta Diversity of Elements

SN14.2 Phassanānattasutta Diversity of Contacts

SN14.3 Nophassanānattasutta Not Diversity of Contacts

SN14.4 Vedanānānattasutta Diversity of Feelings

SN14.5 Dutiyavedanānānattasutta Diversity of Feelings second

SN14.6 Bāhiradhātunānattasutta External Diversity of Elements

SN14.7 Saññānānattasutta Diversity of Perceptions

SN14.8 Nopariyesanānānattasutta No Diversity of Searches

SN14.9 Bāhiraphassanānattasutta Diversity of Gains

SN14.10 Dutiyabāhiraphassanānattasutta No Diversity of Gains

SN14.11 Sattadhātusutta Seven Elements

SN14.12 Sanidānasutta With a Cause

SN14.13 Giñjakāvasathasutta In the Brick Hall

SN14.14 Hīnādhimuttikasutta Bad Convictions

SN14.15 Caṅkamasutta Walking Together

SN14.16 Sagāthāsutta With Verses

SN14.17 Assaddhasaṁsandanasutta Faithless

SN14.18 Assaddhamūlakasutta Beginning With the Faithless

SN14.19 Ahirikamūlakasutta Beginning With the Shameless

SN14.20 Anottappamūlakasutta Beginning With Imprudence

SN14.21 Appassutamūlakasutta Beginning With the Unlearned

SN14.22 Kusītamūlakasutta Beginning With the Lazy

SN14.23 Asamāhitasutta Lacking Immersion

SN14.24 Dussīlasutta Unethical

SN14.25 Pañcasikkhāpadasutta The Five Precepts

SN14.26 Sattakammapathasutta Seven Ways of Performing Deeds

SN14.27 Dasakammapathasutta Ten Ways of Performing Deeds

SN14.28 Aṭṭhaṅgikasutta The Eightfold Path

SN14.29 Dasaṅgasutta Ten Factored Path

SN14.30 Catudhātusutta Four Elements

SN14.31 Pubbesambodhasutta Before Awakening

SN14.32 Acariṁsutta In Search of Gratification

SN14.33 Nocedaṁsutta If There Was No

SN14.34 Ekantadukkhasutta Exclusively Painful

SN14.35 Abhinandasutta Taking Pleasure

SN14.36 Uppādasutta Arising

SN14.37 Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta Ascetics and Brahmins

SN14.38 Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta Ascetics and Brahmins second

SN14.39 Tatiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta Ascetics and Brahmins third