sutta » sn » sn14 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 14.34

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 14.34

4. Catutthavagga
4. Chapter Four


Exclusively Painful

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Pathavīdhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave, ekantadukkhā abhavissa dukkhānupatitā dukkhāvakkantā anavakkantā sukhena, nayidaṁ sattā pathavīdhātuyā sārajjeyyuṁ.
“Mendicants, if the earth element were exclusively painful—soaked and steeped in pain and not steeped in pleasure—sentient beings wouldn’t be aroused by it.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, pathavīdhātu sukhā sukhānupatitā sukhāvakkantā anavakkantā dukkhena, tasmā sattā pathavīdhātuyā sārajjanti.
But because the earth element is pleasurable—soaked and steeped in pleasure and not steeped in pain—sentient beings are aroused by it.

Āpodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave …pe…
If the water element …

tejodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave …
If the fire element …

vāyodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave, ekantadukkhā abhavissa dukkhānupatitā dukkhāvakkantā anavakkantā sukhena, nayidaṁ sattā vāyodhātuyā sārajjeyyuṁ.
If the air element …

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, vāyodhātu sukhā sukhānupatitā sukhāvakkantā anavakkantā dukkhena, tasmā sattā vāyodhātuyā sārajjanti.

Pathavīdhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave, ekantasukhā abhavissa sukhānupatitā sukhāvakkantā anavakkantā dukkhena, nayidaṁ sattā pathavīdhātuyā nibbindeyyuṁ.
If the earth element were exclusively pleasurable—soaked and steeped in pleasure and not steeped in pain—sentient beings wouldn’t grow disillusioned with it.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, pathavīdhātu dukkhā dukkhānupatitā dukkhāvakkantā anavakkantā sukhena, tasmā sattā pathavīdhātuyā nibbindanti.
But because the earth element is painful—soaked and steeped in pain and not steeped in pleasure—sentient beings do grow disillusioned with it.

Āpodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave …pe…
If the water element …

tejodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave …
If the fire element …

vāyodhātu ce hidaṁ, bhikkhave, ekantasukhā abhavissa sukhānupatitā sukhāvakkantā anavakkantā dukkhena, nayidaṁ sattā vāyodhātuyā nibbindeyyuṁ.
If the air element were exclusively pleasurable—soaked and steeped in pleasure and not steeped in pain—sentient beings wouldn’t grow disillusioned with it.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, vāyodhātu dukkhā dukkhānupatitā dukkhāvakkantā anavakkantā sukhena, tasmā sattā vāyodhātuyā nibbindantī”ti.
But because the air element is painful—soaked and steeped in pain and not steeped in pleasure—sentient beings do grow disillusioned with it.”
