Saṁyutta Nikāya 17.26
Translators: sujato
Linked Discourses 17.26
3. Tatiyavagga
Chapter Three
Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd)
Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.
“Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā lābhasakkārasilokassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ nappajānanti …pe…
“There are ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand the origin, ending, gratification, drawback, and escape when it comes to possessions, honor, and popularity …
pajānanti …pe…
There are ascetics and brahmins who do truly understand …”
sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharantī”ti.