sutta » sn » sn23 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 23.3

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 23.3

1. Paṭhamamāravagga
1. About Māra


The Conduit To Rebirth

At Sāvatthī.

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā rādho bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Seated to one side, Venerable Rādha said to the Buddha:

“‘bhavanettinirodho, bhavanettinirodho’ti, bhante, vuccati.
“Sir, they speak of this thing called ‘the cessation of the conduit to rebirth’.

Katamā nu kho, bhante, bhavanetti, katamo bhavanettinirodho”ti?
What is the conduit to rebirth? And what is the cessation of the conduit to rebirth?”

“Rūpe kho, rādha, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā—
“Rādha, any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for form; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies—

ayaṁ vuccati bhavanetti.
this is called the conduit to rebirth.

Tesaṁ nirodho bhavanettinirodho.
Their cessation is the cessation of the conduit to rebirth.

Vedanāya …
Any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for feeling …

saññāya …
perception …

saṅkhāresu …
choices …

viññāṇe yo chando …pe… adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā—
consciousness; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies—

ayaṁ vuccati bhavanetti.
this is called the conduit to rebirth.

Tesaṁ nirodho bhavanettinirodho”ti.
Their cessation is the cessation of the conduit to rebirth.”
