sutta » sn » sn24 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 24.70

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 24.70

3. Tatiyagamanavagga
3. The Third Round


The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering

At Sāvatthī.

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:
“Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti?
‘The self is neither happy nor suffering, and free of disease after death’?”

“Bhagavaṁmūlakā no, bhante, dhammā …pe….
“Our teachings are rooted in the Buddha. …”

“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti.
‘The self is neither happy nor suffering, and is free of disease after death.’

“Vedanāya sati …pe…
When feeling …

saññāya sati …
perception …

saṅkhāresu sati …
choices …

viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’ti.
‘The self is neither happy nor suffering, and free of disease after death.’

Taṁ kiṁ maññatha, bhikkhave,
What do you think, mendicants?

rūpaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?
Is form permanent or impermanent?”

“Aniccaṁ, bhante” …pe… vipariṇāmadhammaṁ,
“Impermanent, sir.” …

api nu taṁ anupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjeyya:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti?

“No hetaṁ, bhante”.

“Iti kho, bhikkhave, yadaniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ.
“And so, what’s impermanent is suffering.

Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti.
‘The self is neither happy nor suffering, and is free of disease after death.’

“Vedanā …pe…
Is feeling …

saññā …
perception …

saṅkhārā …
choices …

viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?
consciousness permanent or impermanent?”

“Aniccaṁ, bhante” …pe… vipariṇāmadhammaṁ,
“Impermanent, sir.” …

api nu taṁ anupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjeyya:
“But by not grasping what’s impermanent, suffering, and perishable, would such a view arise?”

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti?

“No hetaṁ, bhante”.
“No, sir.”

“Iti kho, bhikkhave, yadaniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ.
“And so, what’s impermanent is suffering.

Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises:

‘adukkhamasukhī attā hoti arogo paraṁ maraṇā’”ti.
‘The self is neither happy nor suffering, and free of disease after death.’”

