sutta » sn » sn24 » Index of sn24

SN24.1 Vātasutta Winds

SN24.2 Etaṁmamasutta This Is Mine

SN24.3 Soattāsutta This Is My Self

SN24.4 Nocamesiyāsutta It Might Not Be Mine

SN24.5 Natthidinnasutta Theres No Meaning in Giving

SN24.6 Karotosutta Acting

SN24.7 Hetusutta Cause

SN24.8 Mahādiṭṭhisutta The Extensive View

SN24.9 Sassatadiṭṭhisutta The Cosmos is Eternal

SN24.10 Asassatadiṭṭhisutta The Cosmos Is Not Eternal

SN24.11 Antavāsutta The Cosmos is Finite

SN24.12 Anantavāsutta The Cosmos is Infinite

SN24.13 Taṁjīvaṁtaṁsarīraṁsutta The Soul and the Body Are Identical

SN24.14 Aññaṁjīvaṁaññaṁsarīraṁsutta The Soul and the Body Are Different Things

SN24.15 Hotitathāgatosutta A Realized One Still Exists

SN24.16 Nahotitathāgatosutta A Realized One No Longer Exists

SN24.17 Hoticanacahotitathāgatosutta A Realized One Both Still Exists and No Longer Exists

SN24.18 Nevahotinanahotitathāgatosutta A Realized One Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists

SN24.19 Vātasutta Winds

SN24.20–35 Etaṁmamādisutta This Is Mine Etc

SN24.36 Nevahotinanahotisutta Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists

SN24.37 Rūpīattāsutta The Self Has Form

SN24.38 Arūpīattāsutta The Self Is Formless

SN24.39 Rūpīcaarūpīcaattāsutta The Self Has Form and Is Formless

SN24.40 Nevarūpīnārūpīattāsutta The Self Neither Has Form Nor Is Formless

SN24.41 Ekantasukhīsutta The Self Is Perfectly Happy

SN24.42 Ekantadukkhīsutta Exclusively Suffering

SN24.43 Sukhadukkhīsutta The Self Is Happy and Suffering

SN24.44 Adukkhamasukhīsutta The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering

SN24.45 Navātasutta Winds

SN24.46–69 Etaṁmamādisutta This Is Mine etc

SN24.70 Adukkhamasukhīsutta The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering

SN24.71 Navātasutta Winds

SN24.72–95 Etaṁmamādisutta This Is Mine Etc

SN24.96 Adukkhamasukhīsutta The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering