sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.19

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.19

2. Yamakavagga
2. Pairs


Taking Pleasure (Interior)

“Yo, bhikkhave, cakkhuṁ abhinandati, dukkhaṁ so abhinandati.
“Mendicants, if you take pleasure in the eye, you take pleasure in suffering.

Yo dukkhaṁ abhinandati, aparimutto so dukkhasmāti vadāmi.
If you take pleasure in suffering, I say you’re not exempt from suffering.

Yo sotaṁ …pe…
If you take pleasure in the ear …

yo ghānaṁ …pe…
nose …

yo jivhaṁ abhinandati, dukkhaṁ so abhinandati.
tongue …

Yo dukkhaṁ abhinandati, aparimutto so dukkhasmā”ti vadāmi.

Yo kāyaṁ …pe…
body …

yo manaṁ abhinandati, dukkhaṁ so abhinandati.
mind, you take pleasure in suffering.

Yo dukkhaṁ abhinandati, aparimutto so dukkhasmā”ti vadāmi.
If you take pleasure in suffering, I say you’re not exempt from suffering.

“Yo ca kho, bhikkhave, cakkhuṁ nābhinandati, dukkhaṁ so nābhinandati.
If you don’t take pleasure in the eye, you don’t take pleasure in suffering.

Yo dukkhaṁ nābhinandati, parimutto so dukkhasmāti vadāmi.
If you don’t take pleasure in suffering, I say you’re exempt from suffering.

Yo sotaṁ …pe…
If you don’t take pleasure in the ear …

yo ghānaṁ …pe…
nose …

yo jivhaṁ nābhinandati, dukkhaṁ so nābhinandati.
tongue …

Yo dukkhaṁ nābhinandati, parimutto so dukkhasmāti vadāmi.

Yo kāyaṁ …pe…
body …

yo manaṁ nābhinandati, dukkhaṁ so nābhinandati.
mind, you don’t take pleasure in suffering.

Yo dukkhaṁ nābhinandati, parimutto so dukkhasmā”ti vadāmi.
If you don’t take pleasure in suffering, I say you’re exempt from suffering.”
