sutta » sn » sn35 » Index of sn35

SN35.1 Ajjhattāniccasutta The Interior as Impermanent

SN35.2 Ajjhattadukkhasutta The Interior as Suffering

SN35.3 Ajjhattānattasutta The Interior as NotSelf

SN35.4 Bāhirāniccasutta The Exterior as Impermanent

SN35.5 Bāhiradukkhasutta The Exterior as Suffering

SN35.6 Bāhirānattasutta The Exterior as NotSelf

SN35.7 Ajjhattāniccātītānāgatasutta The Interior as Impermanent in the Three Times

SN35.8 Ajjhattadukkhātītānāgatasutta The Interior as Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.9 Ajjhattānattātītānāgatasutta The Interior as NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.10 Bāhirāniccātītānāgatasutta The Exterior as Impermanent in the Three Times

SN35.11 Bāhiradukkhātītānāgatasutta The Exterior as Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.12 Bāhirānattātītānāgatasutta The Exterior as NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.13 Paṭhamapubbesambodhasutta Before My Awakening Interior

SN35.14 Dutiyapubbesambodhasutta Before My Awakening Exterior

SN35.15 Paṭhamaassādapariyesanasutta In Search of Gratification Interior

SN35.16 Dutiyaassādapariyesanasutta In Search of Gratification Exterior

SN35.17 Paṭhamanoceassādasutta If There Were No Gratification Interior

SN35.18 Dutiyanoceassādasutta If There Were No Gratification Exterior

SN35.19 Paṭhamābhinandasutta Taking Pleasure Interior

SN35.20 Dutiyābhinandasutta Taking Pleasure Exterior

SN35.21 Paṭhamadukkhuppādasutta The Arising of Suffering Interior

SN35.22 Dutiyadukkhuppādasutta The Arising of Suffering Exterior

SN35.23 Sabbasutta All

SN35.24 Pahānasutta Giving Up

SN35.25 Abhiññāpariññāpahānasutta Giving Up By Direct Knowledge and Complete Understanding

SN35.26 Paṭhamaaparijānanasutta Without Completely Understanding first

SN35.27 Dutiyaaparijānanasutta Without Completely Understanding second

SN35.28 Ādittasutta Burning

SN35.29 Addhabhūtasutta Oppressed

SN35.30 Samugghātasāruppasutta The Practice Fit for Uprooting

SN35.31 Paṭhamasamugghātasappāyasutta The Practice Conducive to Uprooting first

SN35.32 Dutiyasamugghātasappāyasutta The Practice Conducive to Uprooting second

SN35.33–42 Jātidhammādisuttadasaka Ten on Liable to Be Reborn Etc

SN35.43–51 Aniccādisuttanavaka Nine on Impermanence Etc

SN35.52 Upassaṭṭhasutta Disturbed

SN35.53 Avijjāpahānasutta Giving Up Ignorance

SN35.54 Saṁyojanappahānasutta Giving Up Fetters

SN35.55 Saṁyojanasamugghātasutta Uprooting the Fetters

SN35.56 Āsavapahānasutta Giving Up Defilements

SN35.57 Āsavasamugghātasutta Uprooting Defilements

SN35.58 Anusayapahānasutta Giving Up Tendencies

SN35.59 Anusayasamugghātasutta Uprooting Tendencies

SN35.60 Sabbupādānapariññāsutta The Complete Understanding of All Grasping

SN35.61 Paṭhamasabbupādānapariyādānasutta The Depletion of All Fuel first

SN35.62 Dutiyasabbupādānapariyādānasutta The Depletion of All Fuel second

SN35.63 Paṭhamamigajālasutta With Migajāla first

SN35.64 Dutiyamigajālasutta With Migajāla second

SN35.65 Paṭhamasamiddhimārapañhāsutta Samiddhis Question About Māra

SN35.66 Samiddhisattapañhāsutta Samiddhis Question About a Sentient Being

SN35.67 Samiddhidukkhapañhāsutta Samiddhis Question About Suffering

SN35.68 Samiddhilokapañhāsutta Samiddhis Question About the World

SN35.69 Upasenaāsīvisasutta Upasena and the Viper

SN35.70 Upavāṇasandiṭṭhikasutta Upavāna on What is Apparent in This Very Life

SN35.71 Paṭhamachaphassāyatanasutta Six Fields of Contact first

SN35.72 Dutiyachaphassāyatanasutta Six Fields of Contact second

SN35.73 Tatiyachaphassāyatanasutta Six Fields of Contact third

SN35.74 Paṭhamagilānasutta Sick first

SN35.75 Dutiyagilānasutta Sick second

SN35.76 Rādhaaniccasutta With Rādha on Impermanence

SN35.77 Rādhadukkhasutta With Rādha on Suffering

SN35.78 Rādhaanattasutta With Rādha on NotSelf

SN35.79 Paṭhamaavijjāpahānasutta Giving Up Ignorance first

SN35.80 Dutiyaavijjāpahānasutta Giving Up Ignorance second

SN35.81 Sambahulabhikkhusutta Several Mendicants

SN35.82 Lokapañhāsutta A Question On the World

SN35.83 Phaggunapañhāsutta Phaggunas Question

SN35.84 Palokadhammasutta Liable to Wear Out

SN35.85 Suññatalokasutta The World is Empty

SN35.86 Saṅkhittadhammasutta A Teaching In Brief

SN35.87 Channasutta With Channa

SN35.88 Puṇṇasutta With Puṇṇa

SN35.89 Bāhiyasutta With Bāhiya

SN35.90 Paṭhamaejāsutta Turbulence first

SN35.91 Dutiyaejāsutta Turbulence second

SN35.92 Paṭhamadvayasutta A Duality first

SN35.93 Dutiyadvayasutta A Duality second

SN35.94 Adantaaguttasutta Untamed Unguarded

SN35.95 Mālukyaputtasutta Māluṅkyaputta

SN35.96 Parihānadhammasutta Liable to Decline

SN35.97 Pamādavihārīsutta One Who Lives Negligently

SN35.98 Saṁvarasutta Restraint

SN35.99 Samādhisutta Immersion

SN35.100 Paṭisallānasutta Retreat

SN35.101 Paṭhamanatumhākasutta Its Not Yours first

SN35.102 Dutiyanatumhākasutta Its Not Yours second

SN35.103 Udakasutta About Uddaka

SN35.104 Yogakkhemisutta Sanctuary from the Yoke

SN35.105 Upādāyasutta Because of Grasping

SN35.106 Dukkhasamudayasutta The Origin of Suffering

SN35.107 Lokasamudayasutta The Origin of the World

SN35.108 Seyyohamasmisutta Im Better

SN35.109 Saṁyojaniyasutta Things Prone to Being Fettered

SN35.110 Upādāniyasutta Things Prone to Being Grasped

SN35.111 Ajjhattikāyatanaparijānanasutta Complete Understanding of the Interior

SN35.112 Bāhirāyatanaparijānanasutta Complete Understanding of the Exterior

SN35.113 Upassutisutta Listening In

SN35.114 Paṭhamamārapāsasutta Māras Snare first

SN35.115 Dutiyamārapāsasutta Māras Snare second

SN35.116 Lokantagamanasutta Traveling to the End of the World

SN35.117 Kāmaguṇasutta The Kinds of Sensual Stimulation

SN35.118 Sakkapañhasutta The Question of Sakka

SN35.119 Pañcasikhasutta The Question of Pañcasikha

SN35.120 Sāriputtasaddhivihārikasutta Sāriputta and the Pupil

SN35.121 Rāhulovādasutta Advice to Rāhula

SN35.122 Saṁyojaniyadhammasutta Things Prone to Being Fettered

SN35.123 Upādāniyadhammasutta Things Prone to Being Grasped

SN35.124 Vesālīsutta At Vesālī

SN35.125 Vajjīsutta In the Land of the Vajjis

SN35.126 Nāḷandasutta At Nāḷandā

SN35.127 Bhāradvājasutta With Bhāradvāja

SN35.128 Soṇasutta With Soṇa

SN35.129 Ghositasutta With Ghosita

SN35.130 Hāliddikānisutta With Hāliddikāni

SN35.131 Nakulapitusutta Nakulas Father

SN35.132 Lohiccasutta With Lohicca

SN35.133 Verahaccānisutta Verahaccāni

SN35.134 Devadahasutta At Devadaha

SN35.135 Khaṇasutta Opportunity

SN35.136 Paṭhamarūpārāmasutta Liking Sights first

SN35.137 Dutiyarūpārāmasutta Liking Sights second

SN35.138 Paṭhamanatumhākasutta Not Yours first

SN35.139 Dutiyanatumhākasutta Not Yours second

SN35.140 Ajjhattaaniccahetusutta Interior and Cause Are Impermanent

SN35.141 Ajjhattadukkhahetusutta Interior and Cause Are Suffering

SN35.142 Ajjhattānattahetusutta Interior and Cause Are NotSelf

SN35.143 Bāhirāniccahetusutta Exterior and Cause Are Impermanent

SN35.144 Bāhiradukkhahetusutta Exterior and Cause Are Suffering

SN35.145 Bāhirānattahetusutta Exterior and Cause Are NotSelf

SN35.146 Kammanirodhasutta The Cessation of Action

SN35.147 Aniccanibbānasappāyasutta The Impermanent as Conducive to Extinguishment

SN35.148 Dukkhanibbānasappāyasutta The Suffering as Conducive to Extinguishment

SN35.149 Anattanibbānasappāyasutta NotSelf as Conducive to Extinguishment

SN35.150 Nibbānasappāyapaṭipadāsutta A Practice Conducive to Extinguishment

SN35.151 Antevāsikasutta A Student

SN35.152 Kimatthiyabrahmacariyasutta Whats the Purpose of the Spiritual Life

SN35.153 Atthinukhopariyāyasutta Is There a Method

SN35.154 Indriyasampannasutta Endowed With Faculties

SN35.155 Dhammakathikapucchasutta A Dhamma Speaker

SN35.156 Ajjhattanandikkhayasutta The Interior and the End of Relishing

SN35.157 Bāhiranandikkhayasutta The Exterior and the End of Relishing

SN35.158 Ajjhattaaniccanandikkhayasutta Focus the Interior and the End of Relishing

SN35.159 Bāhiraaniccanandikkhayasutta Focus the Exterior and the End of Relishing

SN35.160 Jīvakambavanasamādhisutta On Immersion at Jīvakas Mango Grove

SN35.161 Jīvakambavanapaṭisallānasutta On Retreat at Jīvakas Mango Grove

SN35.162 Koṭṭhikaaniccasutta With Koṭṭhita on Impermanence

SN35.163 Koṭṭhikadukkhasutta With Koṭṭhita on Suffering

SN35.164 Koṭṭhikaanattasutta With Koṭṭhita on NotSelf

SN35.165 Micchādiṭṭhipahānasutta Giving Up Wrong View

SN35.166 Sakkāyadiṭṭhipahānasutta Giving Up Substantialist View

SN35.167 Attānudiṭṭhipahānasutta Giving Up View of Self

SN35.168 Ajjhattaaniccachandasutta Desire for the Impermanent Interior

SN35.169 Ajjhattaaniccarāgasutta Greed for the Impermanent Interior

SN35.170 Ajjhattaaniccachandarāgasutta Desire and Greed for the Impermanent Interior

SN35.171–173 Dukkhachandādisutta Desire Etc for the Suffering Interior

SN35.174–176 Anattachandādisutta Desire Etc for the NotSelf Interior

SN35.177–179 Bāhirāniccachandādisutta Desire Etc for the Impermanent Exterior

SN35.180–182 Bāhiradukkhachandādisutta Desire Etc for the Suffering Exterior

SN35.183–185 Bāhirānattachandādisutta Desire Etc for the NotSelf Exterior

SN35.186 Ajjhattātītāniccasutta The Interior Was Impermanent in the Past

SN35.187 Ajjhattānāgatāniccasutta The Interior Will Be Impermanent in the Future

SN35.188 Ajjhattapaccuppannāniccasutta The Interior Is Impermanent in the Present

SN35.189–191 Ajjhattātītādidukkhasutta The Interior as Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.192–194 Ajjhattātītādianattasutta The Interior as NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.195–197 Bāhirātītādianiccasutta The Exterior as Impermanent in the Three Times

SN35.198–200 Bāhirātītādidukkhasutta The Exterior as Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.201–203 Bāhirātītādianattasutta The Exterior as NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.204 Ajjhattātītayadaniccasutta The Interior and Whats Impermanent in the Past

SN35.205 Ajjhattānāgatayadaniccasutta The Interior and Whats Impermanent in the Future

SN35.206 Ajjhattapaccuppannayadaniccasutta The Interior and Whats Impermanent in the Present

SN35.207–209 Ajjhattātītādiyaṁdukkhasutta The Interior and Whats Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.210–212 Ajjhattātītādiyadanattasutta The Interior and Whats NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.213–215 Bāhirātītādiyadaniccasutta The Exterior and Whats Impermanent in the Three Times

SN35.216–218 Bāhirātītādiyaṁdukkhasutta The Exterior and Whats Suffering in the Three Times

SN35.219–221 Bāhirātītādiyadanattasutta The Exterior and Whats NotSelf in the Three Times

SN35.222 Ajjhattāyatanaaniccasutta The Interior as Impermanent

SN35.223 Ajjhattāyatanadukkhasutta The Interior as Suffering

SN35.224 Ajjhattāyatanaanattasutta The Interior as NotSelf

SN35.225 Bāhirāyatanaaniccasutta The Exterior as Impermanent

SN35.226 Bāhirāyatanadukkhasutta The Exterior as Suffering

SN35.227 Bāhirāyatanaanattasutta The Exterior as NotSelf

SN35.228 Paṭhamasamuddasutta The Ocean first

SN35.229 Dutiyasamuddasutta The Ocean second

SN35.230 Bāḷisikopamasutta The Simile of the Fisherman

SN35.231 Khīrarukkhopamasutta The Simile of the LatexProducing Tree

SN35.232 Koṭṭhikasutta With Koṭṭhita

SN35.233 Kāmabhūsutta With Kāmabhū

SN35.234 Udāyīsutta With Udāyī

SN35.235 Ādittapariyāyasutta The Exposition on Burning

SN35.236 Paṭhamahatthapādopamasutta The Simile of Hands and Feet first

SN35.237 Dutiyahatthapādopamasutta The Simile of Hands and Feet second

SN35.238 Āsīvisopamasutta The Simile of the Vipers

SN35.239 Rathopamasutta The Simile of the Chariot

SN35.240 Kummopamasutta The Simile of the Tortoise

SN35.241 Paṭhamadārukkhandhopamasutta The Simile of the Tree Trunk first

SN35.242 Dutiyadārukkhandhopamasutta The Simile of the Tree Trunk second

SN35.243 Avassutapariyāyasutta The Explanation on the Corrupt

SN35.244 Dukkhadhammasutta Entailing Suffering

SN35.245 Kiṁsukopamasutta The Simile of the Parrot Tree

SN35.246 Vīṇopamasutta The Simile of the Harp

SN35.247 Chappāṇakopamasutta The Simile of Six Animals

SN35.248 Yavakalāpisutta The Sheaf of Barley