sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.60

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.60

6. Avijjāvagga
6. Ignorance


The Complete Understanding of All Grasping

“Sabbupādānapariññāya vo, bhikkhave, dhammaṁ desessāmi.
“Mendicants, I will teach you the principle for the complete understanding of all grasping.

Taṁ suṇātha.
Listen …

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, sabbupādānapariññāya dhammo?
And what is the principle for the complete understanding of all grasping?

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact.

Phassapaccayā vedanā.
Contact is a condition for feeling.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako cakkhusmimpi nibbindati, rūpesupi nibbindati, cakkhuviññāṇepi nibbindati, cakkhusamphassepi nibbindati, vedanāyapi nibbindati.
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye, sights, eye consciousness, eye contact, and feeling.

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariññātaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti.
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely understood grasping.’

Sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati …
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. …

ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca …
Nose consciousness arises dependent on the nose and smells. …

jivhañca paṭicca rase ca …
Tongue consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and tastes. …

kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca …
Body consciousness arises dependent on the body and touches. …

manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact.

Phassapaccayā vedanā.
Contact is a condition for feeling.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako manasmimpi nibbindati, dhammesupi nibbindati, manoviññāṇepi nibbindati, manosamphassepi nibbindati, vedanāyapi nibbindati.
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, mind contact, and feeling.

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariññātaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti.
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely understood grasping.’

Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, sabbupādānapariññāya dhammo”ti.
This is the principle for the complete understanding of all grasping.”
