sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.237

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.237

18. Samuddavagga
18. The Ocean


The Simile of Hands and Feet (2nd)

“Hatthesu, bhikkhave, sati ādānanikkhepanaṁ hoti;
“Mendicants, when there are hands, there’s picking up and putting down.

pādesu sati abhikkamapaṭikkamo hoti;
When there are feet, there’s coming and going.

pabbesu sati samiñjanapasāraṇaṁ hoti;
When there are joints, there’s contracting and extending.

kucchismiṁ sati jighacchā pipāsā hoti.
When there’s a belly, there’s hunger and thirst.

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ sati cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…
In the same way, when there’s an eye, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by eye contact.

jivhāya sati …pe…
When there’s an ear … nose … tongue … body …

manasmiṁ sati manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe….
mind, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by mind contact.

Hatthesu, bhikkhave, asati ādānanikkhepanaṁ na hoti;
When there are no hands, there’s no picking up and putting down.

pādesu asati abhikkamapaṭikkamo na hoti;
When there are no feet, there’s no coming and going.

pabbesu asati samiñjanapasāraṇaṁ na hoti;
When there are no joints, there’s no contracting and extending.

kucchismiṁ asati jighacchā pipāsā na hoti.
When there’s no belly, there’s no hunger and thirst.

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ asati cakkhusamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…
In the same way, when there’s no eye, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by eye contact.

jivhāya asati jivhāsamphassapaccayā nuppajjati …pe…
When there’s no ear … nose … tongue … body …

manasmiṁ asati manosamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhan”ti.
mind, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by mind contact.”


Samuddavaggo tatiyo.


Dve samuddā bāḷisiko,

khīrarukkhena koṭṭhiko;

Kāmabhū udāyī ceva,

ādittena ca aṭṭhamaṁ;

Hatthapādūpamā dveti,

vaggo tena pavuccatīti.