sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.68

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.68

7. Migajālavagga
7. With Migajāla


Samiddhi’s Question About the World

“‘Loko, loko’ti, bhante, vuccati.
“Sir, they speak of this thing called ‘the world’.

Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante, loko vā assa lokapaññatti vā”ti?
How do we define the world or what is known as the world?”

“Yattha kho, samiddhi, atthi cakkhu, atthi rūpā, atthi cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, atthi cakkhuviññāṇaviññātabbā dhammā, atthi tattha loko vā lokapaññatti vāti …pe…
“Samiddhi, where there is the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and phenomena to be known by eye consciousness, there is the world or what is known as the world.

atthi jivhā …pe…
Where there is the ear … nose … tongue … body …

atthi mano, atthi dhammā, atthi manoviññāṇaṁ, atthi manoviññāṇaviññātabbā dhammā, atthi tattha loko vā lokapaññatti vā.
Where there is the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and phenomena to be known by mind consciousness, there is the world or what is known as the world.

Yattha ca kho, samiddhi, natthi cakkhu, natthi rūpā, natthi cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, natthi cakkhuviññāṇaviññātabbā dhammā, natthi tattha loko vā lokapaññatti vā …pe…
Where there is no eye, no sights, no eye consciousness, and no phenomena to be known by eye consciousness, there is no world or what is known as the world.

natthi jivhā …pe…
Where there is no ear … nose … tongue … body …

natthi mano, natthi dhammā, natthi manoviññāṇaṁ, natthi manoviññāṇaviññātabbā dhammā, natthi tattha loko vā lokapaññatti vā”ti.
Where there is no mind, no ideas, no mind consciousness, and no phenomena to be known by mind consciousness, there is no world or what is known as the world.”
