sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.83

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.83

8. Gilānavagga
8. Sick


Phagguna’s Question

Atha kho āyasmā phagguno …pe… ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā phagguno bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
And then Venerable Phagguna went up to the Buddha … and said to him:

“Atthi nu kho, bhante, taṁ cakkhu, yena cakkhunā atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyya …pe…
“Sir, suppose someone were to describe the Buddhas of the past who have become completely extinguished, cut off proliferation, cut off the track, finished off the cycle, and transcended suffering. Does the eye exist by which they could be described?

atthi nu kho, bhante, sā jivhā, yāya jivhāya atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyya …pe…
Does the ear … nose … tongue … body exist …?

atthi nu kho so, bhante, mano, yena manena atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyyā”ti?
Does the mind exist by which they could be described?”

“Natthi kho taṁ, phagguna, cakkhu, yena cakkhunā atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyya …pe…
“Phagguna, suppose someone were to describe the Buddhas of the past who have become completely extinguished, cut off proliferation, cut off the track, finished off the cycle, and transcended suffering. The eye does not exist by which they could be described.

natthi kho sā, phagguna, jivhā, yāya jivhāya atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyya …pe…
The ear … nose … tongue … body does not exist …

natthi kho so, phagguna, mano, yena manena atīte buddhe parinibbute chinnapapañce chinnavaṭume pariyādinnavaṭṭe sabbadukkhavītivaṭṭe paññāpayamāno paññāpeyyā”ti.
The mind does not exist by which they could be described.”


Gilānavaggo tatiyo.


Gilānena duve vuttā,

rādhena apare tayo;

Avijjāya ca dve vuttā,

bhikkhu loko ca phaggunoti.