sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.94

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.94

10. Saḷavagga
10. The Sixes


Untamed, Unguarded

At Sāvatthī.

“Chayime, bhikkhave, phassāyatanā adantā aguttā arakkhitā asaṁvutā dukkhādhivāhā honti.
“Mendicants, these six fields of contact bring suffering when they’re untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained.

Katame cha?
What six?

Cakkhu, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ adantaṁ aguttaṁ arakkhitaṁ asaṁvutaṁ dukkhādhivāhaṁ hoti …pe…
The field of eye contact brings suffering when it’s untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained.

jivhā, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ adantaṁ aguttaṁ arakkhitaṁ asaṁvutaṁ dukkhādhivāhaṁ hoti …pe…
The field of ear contact … nose contact … tongue contact … body contact …

mano, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ adantaṁ aguttaṁ arakkhitaṁ asaṁvutaṁ dukkhādhivāhaṁ hoti.
The field of mind contact brings suffering when it’s untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha phassāyatanā adantā aguttā arakkhitā asaṁvutā dukkhādhivāhā honti”.
These six fields of contact bring suffering when they’re untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained.

Chayime, bhikkhave, phassāyatanā sudantā suguttā surakkhitā susaṁvutā sukhādhivāhā honti.
These six fields of contact bring happiness when they’re well tamed, well guarded, well protected, and well restrained.

Katame cha?
What six?

Cakkhu, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ sudantaṁ suguttaṁ surakkhitaṁ susaṁvutaṁ sukhādhivāhaṁ hoti …pe…
The field of eye contact brings happiness when it’s well tamed, well guarded, well protected, and well restrained.

jivhā, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ sudantaṁ suguttaṁ surakkhitaṁ susaṁvutaṁ sukhādhivāhaṁ hoti …pe…
The field of ear contact … nose contact … tongue contact … body contact …

mano, bhikkhave, phassāyatanaṁ sudantaṁ suguttaṁ surakkhitaṁ susaṁvutaṁ sukhādhivāhaṁ hoti.
The field of mind contact brings happiness when it’s well tamed, well guarded, well protected, and well restrained.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha phassāyatanā sudantā suguttā surakkhitā susaṁvutā sukhādhivāhā hontī”ti.
These six fields of contact bring happiness when they’re well tamed, well guarded, well protected, and well restrained.”

Idamavoca bhagavā …pe…
That is what the Buddha said.

etadavoca satthā:
Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:

“Saḷeva phassāyatanāni bhikkhavo,
“Mendicants, it’s just the six fields of contact

Asaṁvuto yattha dukkhaṁ nigacchati;
that lead the unrestrained to suffering.

Tesañca ye saṁvaraṇaṁ avedisuṁ,
Those who understand how to restrain them

Saddhādutiyā viharantānavassutā.
live with faith as partner, uncorrupted.

Disvāna rūpāni manoramāni,
When you’ve seen pleasant sights

Athopi disvāna amanoramāni;
and unpleasant ones, too,

Manorame rāgapathaṁ vinodaye,
get rid of all manner of desire for the pleasant,

Na cāppiyaṁ meti manaṁ padosaye.
without hating what you don’t like.

Saddañca sutvā dubhayaṁ piyāppiyaṁ,
When you’ve heard sounds both liked and disliked,

Piyamhi sadde na samucchito siyā;
don’t fall under the thrall of sounds you like,

Athoppiye dosagataṁ vinodaye,
get rid of hate for the unliked,

Na cāppiyaṁ meti manaṁ padosaye.
and don’t hurt your mind <j>by thinking of what you don’t like.

Gandhañca ghatvā surabhiṁ manoramaṁ,
When you’ve smelled a pleasant, fragrant scent,

Athopi ghatvā asuciṁ akantiyaṁ;
and one that’s foul and unpleasant,

Akantiyasmiṁ paṭighaṁ vinodaye,
get rid of repulsion for the unpleasant,

Chandānunīto na ca kantiye siyā.
while not yielding to desire for the pleasant.

Rasañca bhotvāna asāditañca sāduṁ,
When you’ve enjoyed a sweet, delicious taste,

Athopi bhotvāna asādumekadā;
and sometimes those that are bitter,

Sāduṁ rasaṁ nājjhosāya bhuñje,
don’t be attached to enjoying sweet tastes,

Virodhamāsādusu nopadaṁsaye.
and don’t despise the bitter.

Phassena phuṭṭho na sukhena majje,
Don’t be intoxicated by a pleasant touch,

Dukkhena phuṭṭhopi na sampavedhe;
and don’t tremble at a painful touch.

Phassadvayaṁ sukhadukkhe upekkhe,
Look with equanimity at the duality <j>of pleasant and painful contacts,

Anānuruddho aviruddha kenaci.
without favoring or opposing anything.

Papañcasaññā itarītarā narā,
People generally let their perceptions proliferate;

Papañcayantā upayanti saññino;
perceiving and proliferating, they are attracted.

Manomayaṁ gehasitañca sabbaṁ,
When you’ve expelled all thoughts of the lay life,

Panujja nekkhammasitaṁ irīyati.
wander intent on renunciation.

Evaṁ mano chassu yadā subhāvito,
When the mind is well developed like this <j>regarding the six,

Phuṭṭhassa cittaṁ na vikampate kvaci;
it doesn’t waver at contacts at all.

Te rāgadose abhibhuyya bhikkhavo,
Mendicants, those who have mastered greed and hate

Bhavattha jātimaraṇassa pāragā”ti.
go beyond birth and death.”
