sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.112

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.112

11. Yogakkhemivagga
11. Sanctuary from the Yoke


Complete Understanding of the Exterior

“Rūpe, bhikkhave, anabhijānaṁ aparijānaṁ avirājayaṁ appajahaṁ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya.
“Mendicants, without directly knowing and completely understanding sights …

Sadde …
sounds …

gandhe …
smells …

rase …
tastes …

phoṭṭhabbe …
touches …

dhamme anabhijānaṁ aparijānaṁ avirājayaṁ appajahaṁ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya.
ideas, without dispassion for them and giving them up, you can’t end suffering.

Rūpe ca kho, bhikkhave, abhijānaṁ parijānaṁ virājayaṁ pajahaṁ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāya.
By directly knowing and completely understanding sights …

Sadde …
sounds …

gandhe …
smells …

rase …
tastes …

phoṭṭhabbe …
touches …

dhamme abhijānaṁ parijānaṁ virājayaṁ pajahaṁ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāyā”ti.
ideas, having dispassion for them and giving them up, you can end suffering.”
