sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.139

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.139

14. Devadahavagga
14. At Devadaha


Not Yours (2nd)

“Yaṁ, bhikkhave, na tumhākaṁ, taṁ pajahatha.
“Mendicants, give up what’s not yours.

Taṁ vo pahīnaṁ hitāya sukhāya bhavissati.
Giving it up will be for your welfare and happiness.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, na tumhākaṁ?
And what isn’t yours?

Rūpā, bhikkhave, na tumhākaṁ;
Sights aren’t yours: give them up.

te pajahatha. Te vo pahīnā hitāya sukhāya bhavissanti.
Giving them up will be for your welfare and happiness.

Saddā …

gandhā …

rasā …

phoṭṭhabbā …

dhammā na tumhākaṁ; te pajahatha.
and ideas aren’t yours: give them up.

Te vo pahīnā hitāya sukhāya bhavissanti.
Giving them up will be for your welfare and happiness.

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, yaṁ imasmiṁ jetavane tiṇakaṭṭha …pe…
Suppose a person was to carry off the grass, sticks, branches, and leaves in this Jeta’s Grove …

evameva kho, bhikkhave, rūpā na tumhākaṁ; te pajahatha.
In the same way, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and ideas aren’t yours: give them up.

Te vo pahīnā hitāya sukhāya bhavissantī”ti ….
Giving them up will be for your welfare and happiness.”
