sutta » sn » sn35 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 35.183–185

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 35.183–185

17. Saṭṭhipeyyālavagga
17. Sixty Abbreviated Texts


Desire, Etc. for the Not-Self Exterior

“Yo, bhikkhave, anattā, tatra vo chando pahātabbo, rāgo pahātabbo, chandarāgo pahātabbo.
“Mendicants, you should give up desire … greed … desire and greed for what is not-self.

Ko ca, bhikkhave, anattā?
And what is not-self?

Rūpā, bhikkhave, anattā; tatra vo chando pahātabbo, rāgo pahātabbo, chandarāgo pahātabbo.
Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and ideas are not-self …”

Saddā …

gandhā …

rasā …

phoṭṭhabbā …

dhammā anattā; tatra vo chando pahātabbo, rāgo pahātabbo, chandarāgo pahātabbo.

Yo, bhikkhave, anattā tatra vo chando pahātabbo, rāgo pahātabbo, chandarāgo pahātabbo”ti.