sutta » sn » sn36 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 36.25

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 36.25

3. Aṭṭhasatapariyāyavagga
3. The Explanation of the Hundred and Eight



“‘Imā vedanā’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi, ñāṇaṁ udapādi, paññā udapādi, vijjā udapādi, āloko udapādi.
“‘These are the feelings.’ Such was the vision, knowledge, wisdom, realization, and light that arose in me regarding teachings not learned before from another.

‘Ayaṁ vedanāsamudayo’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi …pe… āloko udapādi.
‘This is the origin of feeling.’ …

‘Ayaṁ vedanāsamudayagāminī paṭipadā’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi …pe…
‘This is the practice that leads to the origin of feeling.’ …

‘ayaṁ vedanānirodho’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi …pe…
‘This is the cessation of feeling.’ …

‘ayaṁ vedanānirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi …pe…
‘This is the practice that leads to the cessation of feeling.’ …

‘ayaṁ vedanāya assādo’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu …pe…
‘This is the gratification of feeling.’ …

‘ayaṁ vedanāya ādīnavo’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu …pe…
‘This is the drawback of feeling.’ …

‘idaṁ kho nissaraṇan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṁ udapādi, ñāṇaṁ udapādi, paññā udapādi, vijjā udapādi, āloko udapādī”ti.
‘This is the escape from feeling.’ Such was the vision, knowledge, wisdom, realization, and light that arose in me regarding teachings not learned before from another.”
