sutta » sn » sn38 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 38.11

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 38.11

1. Jambukhādakavagga
1. With Jambukhādaka


A Question About Floods

“‘Ogho, ogho’ti, āvuso sāriputta, vuccati.
“Reverend Sāriputta, they speak of this thing called ‘a flood’.

Katamo nu kho, āvuso, ogho”ti?
What is a flood?”

“Cattārome, āvuso, oghā.
“Reverend, there are these four floods.

Kāmogho, bhavogho, diṭṭhogho, avijjogho—
The floods of sensuality, desire to be reborn, views, and ignorance.

ime kho, āvuso, cattāro oghā”ti.
These are the four floods.”

“Atthi panāvuso, maggo atthi paṭipadā, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāyā”ti?
“But, reverend, is there a path and a practice for completely understanding these floods?”

“Atthi kho, āvuso, maggo atthi paṭipadā, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāyā”ti.
“There is.” …

“Katamo panāvuso, maggo katamā paṭipadā, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāyā”ti?

“Ayameva kho, āvuso, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāya, seyyathidaṁ—

sammādiṭṭhi …pe… sammāsamādhi.

Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāyā”ti.

“Bhaddako, āvuso, maggo bhaddikā paṭipadā, etesaṁ oghānaṁ pahānāya.

Alañca panāvuso sāriputta, appamādāyā”ti.
