sutta » sn » sn55 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.20

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 55.20

2. Rājakārāmavagga
2. The Royal Monastery


A Visit to the Gods (3rd)

Atha kho bhagavā—seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ samiñjeyya; evameva—jetavane antarahito devesu tāvatiṁsesu pāturahosi.
Then the Buddha, as easily as a strong person would extend or contract their arm, vanished from Jeta’s Grove and reappeared among the gods of the Thirty-Three.

Atha kho sambahulā tāvatiṁsakāyikā devatāyo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhaṁsu. Ekamantaṁ ṭhitā kho tā devatāyo bhagavā etadavoca:
Then several deities of the company of the Thirty-Three went up to the Buddha, bowed, and stood to one side. The Buddha said to them:

“Sādhu kho, āvuso, buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgamanaṁ hoti—
“Reverends, it’s good to have experiential confidence in the Buddha. …

itipi so bhagavā …pe… satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti.

Buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgamanahetu kho, āvuso, evam’idhekacce sattā sotāpannā avinipātadhammā niyatā sambodhiparāyaṇā.
It’s the reason why some sentient beings are stream-enterers, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.

Sādhu kho, āvuso, dhamme …pe…
It’s good to have experiential confidence in the teaching. …

saṅghe …pe…
the Saṅgha …

ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgamanaṁ hoti akhaṇḍehi …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikehi.
and to have the ethical conduct that’s loved by the noble ones … leading to immersion.

Ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgamanahetu kho, āvuso, evam’idhekacce sattā sotāpannā avinipātadhammā niyatā sambodhiparāyaṇā”ti.
It’s the reason why some sentient beings are stream-enterers, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.”

“Sādhu kho, mārisa, buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgamanaṁ hoti—
“Good sir, it’s good to have experiential confidence in the Buddha …

itipi so bhagavā …pe… satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti.

Buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgamanahetu kho, mārisa, evamayaṁ pajā sotāpannā avinipātadhammā niyatā sambodhiparāyaṇā.
It’s the reason why some sentient beings are stream-enterers, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.

Sādhu kho, mārisa, dhamme …pe…
It’s good to have experiential confidence in the teaching. …

saṅghe …pe…
the Saṅgha …

ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgamanaṁ hoti akhaṇḍehi …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikehi.
and to have the ethical conduct that’s loved by the noble ones … leading to immersion.

Ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgamanahetu kho, mārisa, evamayaṁ pajā sotāpannā avinipātadhammā niyatā sambodhiparāyaṇā”ti.
It’s the reason why some sentient beings are stream-enterers, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.”


Rājakārāmavaggo dutiyo.



duggati apare duve;

Mittāmaccā duve vuttā,

tayo ca devacārikāti.