sutta » sn » sn55 » Index of sn55

SN55.1 Cakkavattirājasutta A WheelTurning Monarch

SN55.2 Brahmacariyogadhasutta The Culmination of the Spiritual Life

SN55.3 Dīghāvuupāsakasutta With Dīghāvu

SN55.4 Paṭhamasāriputtasutta With Sāriputta first

SN55.5 Dutiyasāriputtasutta With Sāriputta second

SN55.6 Thapatisutta The Chamberlains

SN55.7 Veḷudvāreyyasutta The People of Bamboo Gate

SN55.8 Paṭhamagiñjakāvasathasutta In the Brick Hall first

SN55.9 Dutiyagiñjakāvasathasutta At the Brick Hall second

SN55.10 Tatiyagiñjakāvasathasutta At the Brick Hall third

SN55.11 Sahassabhikkhunisaṅghasutta A Saṅgha of a Thousand Nuns

SN55.12 Brāhmaṇasutta The Brahmins

SN55.13 Ānandattherasutta With the Senior Monk Ānanda

SN55.14 Duggatibhayasutta Fear of the Bad Place

SN55.15 Duggativinipātabhayasutta Fear of the Bad Place the Underworld

SN55.16 Paṭhamamittāmaccasutta Friends and Colleagues first

SN55.17 Dutiyamittāmaccasutta Friends and Colleagues second

SN55.18 Paṭhamadevacārikasutta A Visit to the Gods first

SN55.19 Dutiyadevacārikasutta A Visit to the Gods second

SN55.20 Tatiyadevacārikasutta A Visit to the Gods third

SN55.21 Paṭhamamahānāmasutta With Mahānāma first

SN55.22 Dutiyamahānāmasutta With Mahānāma second

SN55.23 Godhasakkasutta With Godhā the Sakyan

SN55.24 Paṭhamasaraṇānisakkasutta About Sarakāni first

SN55.25 Dutiyasaraṇānisakkasutta About Sarakāni the Sakyan second

SN55.26 Paṭhamaanāthapiṇḍikasutta Anāthapiṇḍika first

SN55.27 Dutiyaanāthapiṇḍikasutta With Anāthapiṇḍika second

SN55.28 Paṭhamabhayaverūpasantasutta Dangers and Threats first

SN55.29 Dutiyabhayaverūpasantasutta Dangers and Threats second

SN55.30 Nandakalicchavisutta With Nandaka the Licchavi

SN55.31 Paṭhamapuññābhisandasutta Overflowing Merit first

SN55.32 Dutiyapuññābhisandasutta Overflowing Merit second

SN55.33 Tatiyapuññābhisandasutta Overflowing Merit third

SN55.34 Paṭhamadevapadasutta Footprints of the Gods first

SN55.35 Dutiyadevapadasutta Footprints of the Gods second

SN55.36 Devasabhāgatasutta In Common With the Gods

SN55.37 Mahānāmasutta With Mahānāma

SN55.38 Vassasutta Rain

SN55.39 Kāḷigodhasutta With Kāḷigodhā

SN55.40 Nandiyasakkasutta Nandiya the Sakyan

SN55.41 Paṭhamaabhisandasutta Overflowing Merit first

SN55.42 Dutiyaabhisandasutta Overflowing Merit second

SN55.43 Tatiyaabhisandasutta Overflowing Merit third

SN55.44 Paṭhamamahaddhanasutta Rich first

SN55.45 Dutiyamahaddhanasutta Rich second

SN55.46 Suddhakasutta Plain Version

SN55.47 Nandiyasutta With Nandiya

SN55.48 Bhaddiyasutta With Bhaddiya

SN55.49 Mahānāmasutta With Mahānāma

SN55.50 Aṅgasutta Factors

SN55.51 Sagāthakasutta With Verses

SN55.52 Vassaṁvutthasutta One Who Completed the Rains

SN55.53 Dhammadinnasutta With Dhammadinna

SN55.54 Gilānasutta Sick

SN55.55 Sotāpattiphalasutta The Fruit of StreamEntry

SN55.56 Sakadāgāmiphalasutta The Fruit of OnceReturn

SN55.57 Anāgāmiphalasutta The Fruit of NonReturn

SN55.58 Arahattaphalasutta The Fruit of Perfection

SN55.59 Paññāpaṭilābhasutta The Getting of Wisdom

SN55.60 Paññāvuddhisutta The Growth of Wisdom

SN55.61 Paññāvepullasutta The Increase of Wisdom

SN55.62 Mahāpaññāsutta Great Wisdom

SN55.63 Puthupaññāsutta Widespread Wisdom

SN55.64 Vipulapaññāsutta Abundant Wisdom

SN55.65 Gambhīrapaññāsutta Deep Wisdom

SN55.66 Appamattapaññāsutta Extraordinary Wisdom

SN55.67 Bhūripaññāsutta Vast Wisdom

SN55.68 Paññābāhullasutta Much Wisdom

SN55.69 Sīghapaññāsutta Fast Wisdom

SN55.70 Lahupaññāsutta Light Wisdom

SN55.71 Hāsapaññāsutta Laughing Wisdom

SN55.72 Javanapaññāsutta Swift Wisdom

SN55.73 Tikkhapaññāsutta Sharp Wisdom

SN55.74 Nibbedhikapaññāsutta Penetrating Wisdom