sutta » sn » sn55 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.53

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 55.53

6. Sappaññavagga
6. A Wise Person


With Dhammadinna

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā bārāṇasiyaṁ viharati isipatane migadāye.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Varanasi, in the deer park at Isipatana.

Atha kho dhammadinno upāsako pañcahi upāsakasatehi saddhiṁ yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho dhammadinno upāsako bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then the lay follower Dhammadinna, together with five hundred lay followers, went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him:

“ovadatu no, bhante, bhagavā;
“May the Buddha please advise

anusāsatu no, bhante, bhagavā yaṁ amhākaṁ assa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti.
and instruct us. It will be for our lasting welfare and happiness.”

“Tasmātiha vo, dhammadinna, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ:
“So, Dhammadinna, you should train like this:

‘ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatapaṭisaṁyuttā te kālena kālaṁ upasampajja viharissāmā’ti.
‘From time to time we will undertake and dwell upon the discourses spoken by the Realized One that are deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness.’

Evañhi vo, dhammadinna, sikkhitabban”ti.
That’s how you should train yourselves.”

“Na kho netaṁ, bhante, sukaraṁ amhehi puttasambādhasayanaṁ ajjhāvasantehi kāsikacandanaṁ paccanubhontehi mālāgandhavilepanaṁ dhārayantehi jātarūparajataṁ sādiyantehi—
“Sir, we live at home with our children, using sandalwood imported from Kāsi, wearing garlands, perfumes, and makeup, and accepting gold and money.

ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatapaṭisaṁyuttā te kālena kālaṁ upasampajja viharituṁ.
It’s not easy for us to undertake and dwell from time to time upon the discourses spoken by the Realized One that are deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness.

Tesaṁ no, bhante, bhagavā amhākaṁ pañcasu sikkhāpadesu ṭhitānaṁ uttaridhammaṁ desetū”ti.
Since we are established in the five training rules, please teach us further.”

“Tasmātiha vo, dhammadinna, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ:
“So, Dhammadinna, you should train like this:

‘buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgatā bhavissāma—
‘We will have experiential confidence in the Buddha …

itipi so bhagavā …pe… satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti.

Dhamme …pe…
the teaching …

saṅghe …pe…
the Saṅgha …

ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgatā bhavissāma akhaṇḍehi …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikehī’ti.
And we will have the ethical conduct loved by the noble ones … leading to immersion.’

Evañhi vo, dhammadinna, sikkhitabban”ti.
That’s how you should train yourselves.”

“Yānimāni, bhante, bhagavatā cattāri sotāpattiyaṅgāni desitāni, saṁvijjante dhammā amhesu, mayañca tesu dhammesu sandissāma.
“Sir, these four factors of stream-entry that were taught by the Buddha are found in us, and we embody them.

Mayañhi, bhante, buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgatā—
For we have experiential confidence in the Buddha …

itipi so bhagavā …pe… satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti.

Dhamme …pe…
the teaching …

saṅghe …pe…
the Saṅgha …

ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgatā akhaṇḍehi …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikehī”ti.
And we have the ethical conduct loved by the noble ones … leading to immersion.”

“Lābhā vo, dhammadinna, suladdhaṁ vo, dhammadinna.
“You’re fortunate, Dhammadinna, so very fortunate!

Sotāpattiphalaṁ tumhehi byākatan”ti.
You have all declared the fruit of stream-entry.”
