sutta » sn » sn55 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.35

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 55.35

4. Puññābhisandavagga
4. Overflowing Merit


Footprints of the Gods (2nd)

“Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, devānaṁ devapadāni avisuddhānaṁ sattānaṁ visuddhiyā apariyodātānaṁ sattānaṁ pariyodapanāya.
“Mendicants, these four footprints of the gods are in order to purify unpurified beings and cleanse unclean beings.

Katamāni cattāri?
What four?

Idha, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgato hoti—
Firstly, a noble disciple has experiential confidence in the Buddha:

itipi so bhagavā …pe… satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti.
‘That Blessed One is perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed.’

So iti paṭisañcikkhati:
Then they reflect:

‘kiṁ nu kho devānaṁ devapadan’ti?
‘What now is the footprint of the gods?’

So evaṁ pajānāti:
They understand:

‘abyābajjhaparame khvāhaṁ etarahi deve suṇāmi.
‘I hear that these days the gods consider non-harming to be supreme.

Na ca kho panāhaṁ kiñci byābādhemi tasaṁ vā thāvaraṁ vā.
But I don’t hurt any creature firm or frail.

Addhāhaṁ devapadadhammasamannāgato viharāmī’ti.
I definitely live in possession of a footprint of the gods.’

Idaṁ paṭhamaṁ devānaṁ devapadaṁ avisuddhānaṁ sattānaṁ visuddhiyā apariyodātānaṁ sattānaṁ pariyodapanāya.
This is the first footprint of the gods in order to purify unpurified beings and cleanse unclean beings.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako dhamme …pe…
Furthermore, a noble disciple has experiential confidence in the teaching …

saṅghe …pe….
the Saṅgha …

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgato hoti akhaṇḍehi …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikehi.
Furthermore, a noble disciple’s ethical conduct is loved by the noble ones, unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.

So iti paṭisañcikkhati:
Then they reflect:

‘kiṁ nu kho devānaṁ devapadan’ti?
‘What now is the footprint of the gods?’

So evaṁ pajānāti:
They understand:

‘abyābajjhaparame khvāhaṁ etarahi deve suṇāmi.
‘I hear that these days the gods consider non-harming to be supreme.

Na kho panāhaṁ kiñci byābādhemi tasaṁ vā thāvaraṁ vā.
But I don’t hurt any creature firm or frail.

Addhāhaṁ devapadadhammasamannāgato viharāmī’ti.
I definitely live in possession of a footprint of the gods.’

Idaṁ catutthaṁ devānaṁ devapadaṁ avisuddhānaṁ sattānaṁ visuddhiyā apariyodātānaṁ sattānaṁ pariyodapanāya.
This is the fourth footprint of the gods in order to purify unpurified beings and cleanse unclean beings.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri devānaṁ devapadāni avisuddhānaṁ sattānaṁ visuddhiyā apariyodātānaṁ sattānaṁ pariyodapanāyā”ti.
These four footprints of the gods are in order to purify unpurified beings and cleanse unclean beings.”
