sutta » sn » sn56 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 56.21

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 56.21

3. Koṭigāmavagga
3. At the Village of Koṭi


At the Village of Koṭi (1st)

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā vajjīsu viharati koṭigāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Vajjis at the village of Koṭi.

Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants:

“catunnaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyasaccānaṁ ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
“Mendicants, due to not understanding and not penetrating four noble truths, both you and I have wandered and transmigrated for such a very long time.

Katamesaṁ catunnaṁ?
What four?

Dukkhassa, bhikkhave, ariyasaccassa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
The noble truths of suffering,

Dukkhasamudayassa ariyasaccassa …pe…
the origin of suffering,

dukkhanirodhassa ariyasaccassa …pe…
the cessation of suffering,

dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ariyasaccassa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
and the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering.

Tayidaṁ, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhasamudayaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhanirodhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ; ucchinnā bhavataṇhā, khīṇā bhavanetti; natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
These noble truths of suffering, origin, cessation, and the path have been understood and comprehended. Craving for continued existence has been cut off; the conduit to rebirth is ended; now there’ll be no more future lives.”

Idamavoca bhagavā.
That is what the Buddha said.

Idaṁ vatvāna sugato athāparaṁ etadavoca satthā:
Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:

“Catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ,
“Because of not truly seeing

Yathābhūtaṁ adassanā;
the four noble truths,

Saṁsitaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ,
we have transmigrated for a long time

Tāsu tāsveva jātisu.
from one rebirth to the next.

Tāni etāni diṭṭhāni,
But now that these truths have been seen,

bhavanetti samūhatā;
the conduit to rebirth is eradicated.

Ucchinnaṁ mūlaṁ dukkhassa,
The root of suffering is cut off,

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there’ll be no more future lives.”
