sutta » kn » snp » vagga1 » Sutta Nipāta 1.2

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 1.2


The Wealthy Rancher

“Pakkodano duddhakhīrohamasmi,
“I’ve boiled my rice and drawn my milk,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya the rancher,

Anutīre mahiyā samānavāso;
“I stay with my family along the bank of the Mahī.

Channā kuṭi āhito gini,
My hut is roofed, my sacred fire kindled:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Akkodhano vigatakhilohamasmi,
“I boil not with anger <j>and have drawn out hard-heartedness,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Anutīre mahiyekarattivāso;
“I stay for one night along the bank of the Mahī.

Vivaṭā kuṭi nibbuto gini,
My hut is wide open, my fire is quenched:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Andhakamakasā na vijjare,
“No gadflies or mosquitoes are found,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya,

Kacche rūḷhatiṇe caranti gāvo;
“cows graze on the lush meadow grass.

Vuṭṭhimpi saheyyumāgataṁ,
They get by even when the rain comes:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Baddhāsi bhisī susaṅkhatā,
“I bound a raft and made it well,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Tiṇṇo pāragato vineyya oghaṁ;
“and with it I crossed over, went to the far shore, <j>and dispelled the flood.

Attho bhisiyā na vijjati,
Now I have no need for a raft:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Gopī mama assavā alolā,
“My wife is obedient, not wanton,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya,

Dīgharattaṁ saṁvāsiyā manāpā;
“long have we lived together happily.

Tassā na suṇāmi kiñci pāpaṁ,
I hear nothing bad about her:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Cittaṁ mama assavaṁ vimuttaṁ,
“My mind is obedient and freed,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Dīgharattaṁ paribhāvitaṁ sudantaṁ;
“long nurtured and well-tamed.

Pāpaṁ pana me na vijjati,
Nothing bad is found in me:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“I am self-employed,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya,

Puttā ca me samāniyā arogā;
“and my healthy children likewise.

Tesaṁ na suṇāmi kiñci pāpaṁ,
I hear nothing bad about them:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Nāhaṁ bhatakosmi kassaci,
“I am no-one’s lackey,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Nibbiṭṭhena carāmi sabbaloke;
“with what I have earned I wander the world.

Attho bhatiyā na vijjati,
I have no need for wages:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Atthi vasā atthi dhenupā,
“I have heifers and sucklings,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya,

Godharaṇiyo paveṇiyopi atthi;
“cows in calf and breeding cows.

Usabhopi gavampatīdha atthi,
I’ve also got a bull, leader of the herd here:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Natthi vasā natthi dhenupā,
“I have no heifers or sucklings,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Godharaṇiyo paveṇiyopi natthi;
“no cows in calf or breeding cows.

Usabhopi gavampatīdha natthi,
I haven’t got a bull, leader of the herd here:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Khilā nikhātā asampavedhī,
“The stakes are driven in, unshakable,”

(iti dhaniyo gopo)
said Dhaniya,

Dāmā muñjamayā navā susaṇṭhānā;
“The grass halters are new and well-woven,

Na hi sakkhinti dhenupāpi chettuṁ,
not even the sucklings can break them:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

“Usabhoriva chetva bandhanāni,
“Like a bull I broke the bonds,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Nāgo pūtilataṁva dālayitvā;
“like an elephant I snapped the vine.

Nāhaṁ punupessaṁ gabbhaseyyaṁ,
I will never lie in a womb again:

Atha ce patthayasī pavassa deva”.
so rain, sky-god, if you wish.”

Ninnañca thalañca pūrayanto,
Right then a thundercloud rained down,

Mahāmegho pavassi tāvadeva;
soaking the uplands and valleys.

Sutvā devassa vassato,
Hearing the sky-god rain down,

Imamatthaṁ dhaniyo abhāsatha.
Dhaniya said this:

“Lābhā vata no anappakā,
“It is no small gain for us

Ye mayaṁ bhagavantaṁ addasāma;
that we have seen the Buddha.

Saraṇaṁ taṁ upema cakkhuma,
We come to you for refuge, Clear-eyed One.

Satthā no hohi tuvaṁ mahāmuni.
O great sage, please be our Teacher.

Gopī ca ahañca assavā,
My wife and I, obedient,

Brahmacariyaṁ sugate carāmase;
shall lead the spiritual life under the Holy One.

Jātimaraṇassa pāragū,
Gone beyond birth and death,

Dukkhassantakarā bhavāmase”.
we shall make an end of suffering.”

“Nandati puttehi puttimā,
“Your children bring you delight!”

(iti māro pāpimā)
said Māra the Wicked,

Gomā gohi tatheva nandati;
“Your cattle also bring you delight!

Upadhī hi narassa nandanā,
For attachments are a man’s delight;

Na hi so nandati yo nirūpadhi”.
without attachments there’s no delight.”

“Socati puttehi puttimā,
“Your children bring you sorrow,”

(iti bhagavā)
said the Buddha,

Gomā gohi tatheva socati;
“Your cattle also bring you sorrow.

Upadhī hi narassa socanā,
For attachments are a man’s sorrow;

Na hi so socati yo nirūpadhī”ti.
without attachments there are no sorrows.”

Dhaniyasuttaṁ dutiyaṁ.