sutta » kn » snp » vagga1 » Sutta Nipāta 1.3

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 1.3


The Horned Rhino

“Sabbesu bhūtesu nidhāya daṇḍaṁ,
When you’ve laid down arms toward all creatures,

Aviheṭhayaṁ aññatarampi tesaṁ;
not harming even a single one,

Na puttamiccheyya kuto sahāyaṁ,
don’t wish for a child, let alone a companion:

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Saṁsaggajātassa bhavanti snehā,
Those with close relationships have affection,

Snehanvayaṁ dukkhamidaṁ pahoti;
following which this pain arises.

Ādīnavaṁ snehajaṁ pekkhamāno,
Seeing this danger born of affection,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Mitte suhajje anukampamāno,
When feelings for friends and loved ones

Hāpeti atthaṁ paṭibaddhacitto;
are tied up in selfish love, you miss out on the goal.

Etaṁ bhayaṁ santhave pekkhamāno,
Seeing this peril in intimacy,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Vaṁso visālova yathā visatto,
As a spreading bamboo gets entangled,

Puttesu dāresu ca yā apekkhā;
so does concern for partners and children.

Vaṁsakkaḷīrova asajjamāno,
Like a bamboo shoot unimpeded,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Migo araññamhi yathā abaddho,
As a wild deer loose in the forest

Yenicchakaṁ gacchati gocarāya;
grazes wherever it wants,

Viññū naro seritaṁ pekkhamāno,
a smart person looking for freedom would

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Āmantanā hoti sahāyamajjhe,
When among friends, whether staying in place

Vāse ṭhāne gamane cārikāya;
or going on a journey, you’re always on call.

Anabhijjhitaṁ seritaṁ pekkhamāno,
Looking for the uncoveted freedom,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Khiḍḍā ratī hoti sahāyamajjhe,
Among friends you have fun and games,

Puttesu ca vipulaṁ hoti pemaṁ;
and for children you are full of love.

Piyavippayogaṁ vijigucchamāno,
Though loathe to depart from those you hold dear,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Cātuddiso appaṭigho ca hoti,
At ease in any quarter, unresisting,

Santussamāno itarītarena;
content with whatever comes your way;

Parissayānaṁ sahitā achambhī,
prevailing over adversities, dauntless,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Dussaṅgahā pabbajitāpi eke,
Even some renunciates are hard to please,

Atho gahaṭṭhā gharamāvasantā;
as are some layfolk dwelling at home.

Appossukko paraputtesu hutvā,
Don’t worry about others’ children,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Oropayitvā gihibyañjanāni,
Having shed the marks of the home life,

Sañchinnapatto yathā koviḷāro;
like the fallen leaves of the Shady Orchid Tree;

Chetvāna vīro gihibandhanāni,
having cut the bonds of the home life, a hero would

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Sace labhetha nipakaṁ sahāyaṁ,
If you find an alert companion,

Saddhiṁ caraṁ sādhuvihāridhīraṁ;
a wise and virtuous friend,

Abhibhuyya sabbāni parissayāni,
then, overcoming all adversities,

Careyya tenattamano satīmā”.
wander with them, joyful and mindful.

“No ce labhetha nipakaṁ sahāyaṁ,
If you find no alert companion,

Saddhiṁ caraṁ sādhuvihāridhīraṁ;
no wise and virtuous friend,

Rājāva raṭṭhaṁ vijitaṁ pahāya,
then, like a king who flees his conquered realm,

Eko care mātaṅgaraññeva nāgo”.
wander alone like a tusker in the wilds.

“Addhā pasaṁsāma sahāyasampadaṁ,
Clearly we praise the blessing of a friend,

Seṭṭhā samā sevitabbā sahāyā;
it’s good to be with friends your equal or better.

Ete aladdhā anavajjabhojī,
but failing to find them, eating blamelessly,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Disvā suvaṇṇassa pabhassarāni,
Though made of shining gold, <j>well-finished by a smith,

Kammāraputtena suniṭṭhitāni;
when two bracelets share the same arm

Saṅghaṭṭamānāni duve bhujasmiṁ,
they clash up against each other. Seeing this,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Evaṁ dutīyena sahā mamassa,
Thinking, “So too, if I had a partner,

Vācābhilāpo abhisajjanā vā;
there’d be flattery or curses.”

Etaṁ bhayaṁ āyatiṁ pekkhamāno,
Seeing this peril in the future,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Kāmā hi citrā madhurā manoramā,
Sensual pleasures are diverse, sweet, delightful,

Virūparūpena mathenti cittaṁ;
appearing in disguise they disturb the mind.

Ādīnavaṁ kāmaguṇesu disvā,
Seeing danger in sensual stimulations,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Ītī ca gaṇḍo ca upaddavo ca,
This is a calamity, a boil, a disaster,

Rogo ca sallañca bhayañca metaṁ;
an illness, a dart, and a danger for me.

Etaṁ bhayaṁ kāmaguṇesu disvā,
Seeing this peril in sensuality,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Sītañca uṇhañca khudaṁ pipāsaṁ,
Heat and cold, hunger and thirst,

Vātātape ḍaṁsasarīsape ca;
wind and sun, flies and snakes:

Sabbānipetāni abhisambhavitvā,
having put up with all these things,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Nāgova yūthāni vivajjayitvā,
As a full-grown elephant, lotus-eating, magnificent,

Sañjātakhandho padumī uḷāro;
forsaking the herd,

Yathābhirantaṁ viharaṁ araññe,
stays as it pleases in the forest,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Aṭṭhānataṁ saṅgaṇikāratassa,
It’s impossible for one who delights in company

Yaṁ phassaye sāmayikaṁ vimuttiṁ;
to experience even temporary freedom.

Ādiccabandhussa vaco nisamma,
Heeding the speech of the kinsman of the Sun,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Diṭṭhīvisūkāni upātivatto,
Thinking, “I have left twisted views behind,

Patto niyāmaṁ paṭiladdhamaggo;
reached the sure way, and gained the path;

Uppannañāṇomhi anaññaneyyo,
I’ve given rise to knowledge, <j>and need no-one to guide me”,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Nillolupo nikkuho nippipāso,
No greed, no guile, no thirst, no slur,

Nimmakkho niddhantakasāvamoho;
dross and delusion is smelted off;

Nirāsayo sabbaloke bhavitvā,
free of hoping for anything in the world,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Pāpaṁ sahāyaṁ parivajjayetha,
Avoid a wicked companion,

Anatthadassiṁ visame niviṭṭhaṁ;
blind to the good, habitually immoral.

Sayaṁ na seve pasutaṁ pamattaṁ,
Don’t befriend the heedless and the hankering, but

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Bahussutaṁ dhammadharaṁ bhajetha,
Spend time with the learned <j>who have memorized the teachings,

Mittaṁ uḷāraṁ paṭibhānavantaṁ;
an eloquent and uplifting friend.

Aññāya atthāni vineyya kaṅkhaṁ,
When you understand the meanings <j>and have dispelled doubt,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Khiḍḍaṁ ratiṁ kāmasukhañca loke,
When you realize that worldly fun and games

Analaṅkaritvā anapekkhamāno;
and pleasure are unsatisfying, disregarding them,

Vibhūsanaṭṭhānā virato saccavādī,
as one unadorned, a speaker of truth,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Puttañca dāraṁ pitarañca mātaraṁ,
Children, partner, father, mother,

Dhanāni dhaññāni ca bandhavāni;
wealth and grain and relatives:

Hitvāna kāmāni yathodhikāni,
having given up sensual pleasures to this extent,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Saṅgo eso parittamettha sokhyaṁ,
“This is a snare. Here there’s hardly any happiness,

Appassādo dukkhamettha bhiyyo;
little gratification, and it’s full of drawbacks.

Gaḷo eso iti ñatvā matīmā,
It’s a hook.” Knowing this, a thoughtful person would

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Sandālayitvāna saṁyojanāni,
Having burst apart the fetters,

Jālaṁva bhetvā salilambucārī;
like a fish that tears the net and swims free,

Aggīva daḍḍhaṁ anivattamāno,
or a fire not returning to ground it has burned,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Okkhittacakkhu na ca pādalolo,
Eyes downcast, not footloose,

Guttindriyo rakkhitamānasāno;
senses guarded, mind protected,

Anavassuto apariḍayhamāno,
uncorrupted, not burning with desire,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Ohārayitvā gihibyañjanāni,
Having shed the marks of the home life,

Sañchannapatto yathā pārichatto;
like the fallen leaves of the Shady Orchid Tree,

Kāsāyavattho abhinikkhamitvā,
and gone forth in the ocher robe,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Rasesu gedhaṁ akaraṁ alolo,
Not wanton, nor rousing greed for tastes,

Anaññaposī sapadānacārī;
providing for no other, <j>wandering indiscriminately for alms,

Kule kule appaṭibaddhacitto,
not attached to this family or that,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Pahāya pañcāvaraṇāni cetaso,
When you’ve given up five mental obstacles,

Upakkilese byapanujja sabbe;
and expelled all corruptions,

Anissito chetva sinehadosaṁ,
and cut off affection and hate, being independent,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Vipiṭṭhikatvāna sukhaṁ dukhañca,
When you’ve put pleasure and pain behind you,

Pubbeva ca somanassadomanassaṁ;
and former happiness and sadness,

Laddhānupekkhaṁ samathaṁ visuddhaṁ,
and gained equanimity serene and pure,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Āraddhaviriyo paramatthapattiyā,
With energy roused to reach the ultimate goal,

Alīnacitto akusītavutti;
not sluggish in mind or lazy,

Daḷhanikkamo thāmabalūpapanno,
vigorous, strong and powerful,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Paṭisallānaṁ jhānamariñcamāno,
Not neglecting retreat and absorption,

Dhammesu niccaṁ anudhammacārī;
always living in line with the teachings,

Ādīnavaṁ sammasitā bhavesu,
comprehending the danger in rebirths,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Taṇhakkhayaṁ patthayamappamatto,
One whose aim is the ending of craving—

Aneḷamūgo sutavā satīmā;
diligent, clever, learned, mindful, resolute—

Saṅkhātadhammo niyato padhānavā,
who has appraised the teaching and is bound for awakening, should

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Sīhova saddesu asantasanto,
Like a lion not startled by sounds,

Vātova jālamhi asajjamāno;
like wind not caught in a net,

Padumaṁva toyena alippamāno,
like water not sticking to a lotus,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Sīho yathā dāṭhabalī pasayha,
Like the fierce-fanged lion, king of beasts,

Rājā migānaṁ abhibhuyya cārī;
who wanders as conqueror and victor,

Sevetha pantāni senāsanāni,
you should frequent remote lodgings, and

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Mettaṁ upekkhaṁ karuṇaṁ vimuttiṁ,
In time, cultivate freedom through

Āsevamāno muditañca kāle;
love, compassion, rejoicing, and equanimity.

Sabbena lokena avirujjhamāno,
Not upset by anything in the world,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Rāgañca dosañca pahāya mohaṁ,
Having given up greed, hate, and delusion,

Sandālayitvāna saṁyojanāni;
having burst apart the fetters,

Asantasaṁ jīvitasaṅkhayamhi,
unafraid at the end of life,

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

“Bhajanti sevanti ca kāraṇatthā,
They befriend you and serve you for their own sake;

Nikkāraṇā dullabhā ajja mittā;
these days it’s hard to find friends <j>lacking ulterior motive.

Attaṭṭhapaññā asucī manussā,
Impure folk cleverly profit themselves—

Eko care khaggavisāṇakappo”.
live alone like a horned rhino.

Khaggavisāṇasuttaṁ tatiyaṁ.