sutta » kn » snp » vagga2 » Sutta Nipāta 2.10

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 2.10


Get Up!

Uṭṭhahatha nisīdatha,
Get up and meditate!

ko attho supitena vo;
What’s the point in your sleeping?

Āturānañhi kā niddā,
How can the afflicted slumber

sallaviddhāna ruppataṁ.
when injured by an arrow strike?

Uṭṭhahatha nisīdatha,
Get up and meditate!

Daḷhaṁ sikkhatha santiyā;
Train hard for peace!

Mā vo pamatte viññāya,
The King of Death has caught you heedless—

Maccurājā amohayittha vasānuge.
don’t let him fool you under his sway.

Yāya devā manussā ca,
Needy gods and humans

sitā tiṭṭhanti atthikā;
are held back by clinging:

Tarathetaṁ visattikaṁ,
get over it.

khaṇo vo mā upaccagā;
Don’t let the moment pass you by.

Khaṇātītā hi socanti,
For if you miss your moment

nirayamhi samappitā.
you’ll grieve when sent to hell.

Pamādo rajo pamādo,
Negligence is always dust;

Pamādānupatito rajo;
dust follows right behind negligence.

Appamādena vijjāya,
Through diligence and knowledge,

Abbahe sallamattanoti.
pluck out the dart from yourself.

Uṭṭhānasuttaṁ dasamaṁ.