sutta » kn » snp » vagga4 » Sutta Nipāta 4.8

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 4.8


With Pasūra

Idheva suddhī iti vādayanti,
“Here alone is purity,” they say,

Nāññesu dhammesu visuddhimāhu;
denying that there is purification in other teachings.

Yaṁ nissitā tattha subhaṁ vadānā,
Speaking of the beauty <j>in that which they depend on,

Paccekasaccesu puthū niviṭṭhā.
each one is dogmatic about <j>their own idiosyncratic interpretation.

Te vādakāmā parisaṁ vigayha,
Desiring debate, they plunge into an assembly,

Bālaṁ dahantī mithu aññamaññaṁ;
where each takes the other as a fool.

Vadanti te aññasitā kathojjaṁ,
Relying on others they state their contention,

Pasaṁsakāmā kusalā vadānā.
desiring praise while claiming to be experts.

Yutto kathāyaṁ parisāya majjhe,
Addicted to debating in the midst of the assembly,

Pasaṁsamicchaṁ vinighāti hoti;
their need for praise makes them nervous.

Apāhatasmiṁ pana maṅku hoti,
But when they’re repudiated they get embarrassed;

Nindāya so kuppati randhamesī.
upset at criticism, they find fault in others.

Yamassa vādaṁ parihīnamāhu,
If their doctrine is said to be weak,

Apāhataṁ pañhavimaṁsakāse;
and judges declare it repudiated,

Paridevati socati hīnavādo,
the loser weeps and wails,

Upaccagā manti anutthunāti.
moaning, “They beat me.”

Ete vivādā samaṇesu jātā,
When these arguments come up among ascetics,

Etesu ugghātinighāti hoti;
they get excited or dejected.

Etampi disvā virame kathojjaṁ,
Seeing this, refrain from contention,

Na haññadatthatthi pasaṁsalābhā.
for the only purpose is praise and profit.

Pasaṁsito vā pana tattha hoti,
But if, having declared their doctrine,

Akkhāya vādaṁ parisāya majjhe;
they are praised there in the midst of the assembly,

So hassatī unnamatī ca tena,
they laugh and proudly show off because of it,

Pappuyya tamatthaṁ yathā mano ahu.
having got what they wanted.

Yā unnatī sāssa vighātabhūmi,
Their pride is their downfall,

Mānātimānaṁ vadate paneso;
yet they speak from conceit and arrogance.

Etampi disvā na vivādayetha,
Seeing this, one ought not get into arguments,

Na hi tena suddhiṁ kusalā vadanti.
for experts say this is no way to purity.

Sūro yathā rājakhādāya puṭṭho,
As a warrior, after feasting on royal food,

Abhigajjameti paṭisūramicchaṁ;
goes roaring, looking for someone to fight—

Yeneva so tena palehi sūra,
go off and find an opponent, Sūra,

Pubbeva natthi yadidaṁ yudhāya.
for here, as before, there is no-one to fight.

Ye diṭṭhimuggayha vivādayanti,
When someone argues about a view they’ve adopted,

Idameva saccanti ca vādayanti;
saying, “This is the only truth,”

Te tvaṁ vadassū na hi tedha atthi,
say to them, “Here you’ll have no adversary

Vādamhi jāte paṭisenikattā.
when a dispute has come up.”

Visenikatvā pana ye caranti,
There are those who live far from the crowd,

Diṭṭhīhi diṭṭhiṁ avirujjhamānā;
not countering views with view.

Tesu tvaṁ kiṁ labhetho pasūra,
Who is there to argue with you, Pasūra,

Yesīdha natthī paramuggahītaṁ.
among those who grasp nothing here as the highest?

Atha tvaṁ pavitakkamāgamā,
And so you come along speculating,

Manasā diṭṭhigatāni cintayanto;
thinking up theories in your mind.

Dhonena yugaṁ samāgamā,
Now that you’ve challenged <j>someone who is cleansed,

Na hi tvaṁ sakkhasi sampayātaveti.
you’ll not be able to respond.

Pasūrasuttaṁ aṭṭhamaṁ.