sutta » kn » snp » vagga4 » Sutta Nipāta 4.9

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 4.9


With Māgaṇḍiya

“Disvāna taṇhaṁ aratiṁ ragañca,
“Even when I saw the sirens <j>Craving, Delight, and Lust,

Nāhosi chando api methunasmiṁ;
I had no desire for sex.

Kimevidaṁ muttakarīsapuṇṇaṁ,
What is this body full of piss and shit?

Pādāpi naṁ samphusituṁ na icche”.
I wouldn’t even want to touch it with my foot.”

“Etādisañce ratanaṁ na icchasi,
“If you do not want a gem such as this,

Nāriṁ narindehi bahūhi patthitaṁ;
a lady desired by many rulers of men,

Diṭṭhigataṁ sīlavataṁ nu jīvitaṁ,
then what manner of theory, <j>precepts and vows, livelihood,

Bhavūpapattiñca vadesi kīdisaṁ”.
and rebirth in a new life do you assert?”

“Idaṁ vadāmīti na tassa hoti,
“After judging among the teachings,”

(māgaṇḍiyāti bhagavā)
said the Buddha to Māgaṇḍiya,

Dhammesu niccheyya samuggahītaṁ;
“none have been adopted thinking, ‘I assert this.’

Passañca diṭṭhīsu anuggahāya,
Seeing views without adopting any,

Ajjhattasantiṁ pacinaṁ adassaṁ”.
searching, I saw inner peace.”

“Vinicchayā yāni pakappitāni,
“O sage, you speak of judgments you have formed,”

(iti māgaṇḍiyo)
said Māgaṇḍiya,

Te ve munī brūsi anuggahāya;
“without having adopted any of those views.

Ajjhattasantīti yametamatthaṁ,
As to that matter of ‘inner peace’—

Kathaṁ nu dhīrehi paveditaṁ taṁ”.
how is that described by the wise?”

“Na diṭṭhiyā na sutiyā na ñāṇena,
“Purity is spoken of not in terms of view,”

(māgaṇḍiyāti bhagavā)
said the Buddha to Māgaṇḍiya,

Sīlabbatenāpi na suddhimāha;
“learning, knowledge, or precepts and vows;

Adiṭṭhiyā assutiyā añāṇā,
nor in terms of that without view, learning,

Asīlatā abbatā nopi tena;
knowledge, or precepts and vows.

Ete ca nissajja anuggahāya,
Having relinquished these, not adopting them,

Santo anissāya bhavaṁ na jappe”.
peaceful, independent, one would not pray <j>for another life.”

“No ce kira diṭṭhiyā na sutiyā na ñāṇena,
“It seems purity is spoken of not in terms of view,”

(iti māgaṇḍiyo)
said Māgaṇḍiya,

Sīlabbatenāpi na suddhimāha;
“learning, knowledge, or precepts and vows;

Adiṭṭhiyā assutiyā añāṇā,
nor in terms of that without view, learning,

Asīlatā abbatā nopi tena;
knowledge, or precepts and vows.

Maññāmahaṁ momuhameva dhammaṁ,
If so, I think this teaching is sheer confusion;

Diṭṭhiyā eke paccenti suddhiṁ”.
for some believe in purity in terms of view.”

“Diṭṭhañca nissāya anupucchamāno,
“Continuing to question while relying on a view,”

(māgaṇḍiyāti bhagavā)
said the Buddha to Māgaṇḍiya,

Samuggahītesu pamohamāgā;
“you’ve become confused by all you’ve adopted.

Ito ca nāddakkhi aṇumpi saññaṁ,
From this you’ve not glimpsed the slightest idea,

Tasmā tuvaṁ momuhato dahāsi.
which is why you consider the teaching confused.

Samo visesī uda vā nihīno,
If you think that ‘I’m equal,

Yo maññati so vivadetha tena;
special, or worse’, you’ll get into arguments.

Tīsu vidhāsu avikampamāno,
Unwavering in the face of the three discriminations,

Samo visesīti na tassa hoti.
you’ll have no thought ‘I’m equal or special’.

Saccanti so brāhmaṇo kiṁ vadeyya,
Why would that brahmin say, ‘It’s true’,

Musāti vā so vivadetha kena;
or with whom would they argue, ‘It’s false’?

Yasmiṁ samaṁ visamaṁ vāpi natthi,
There is no equal or unequal in them,

Sa kena vādaṁ paṭisaṁyujeyya.
so who would they take on in debate?

Okaṁ pahāya aniketasārī,
After leaving shelter to migrate unsettled,

Gāme akubbaṁ muni santhavāni;
a sage doesn’t get close to anyone in town.

Kāmehi ritto apurakkharāno,
Rid of sensual pleasures, expecting nothing,

Kathaṁ na viggayha janena kayirā.
they wouldn’t get in arguments with people.

Yehi vivitto vicareyya loke,
A spiritual giant would not take up for argument

Na tāni uggayha vadeyya nāgo;
the things in the world from which they live secluded.

Jalambujaṁ kaṇḍakavārijaṁ yathā,
As a prickly lotus born in the water

Jalena paṅkena canūpalittaṁ;
is unsullied by water and mud,

Evaṁ munī santivādo agiddho,
so the greedless sage, proponent of peace,

Kāme ca loke ca anūpalitto.
is unsmeared by sensuality and the world.

Na vedagū diṭṭhiyāyako na mutiyā,
A knowledge master does not become conceited

Sa mānameti na hi tammayo so;
due to view or thought, <j>for they are not determined by that.

Na kammunā nopi sutena neyyo,
They’ve no need for deeds or learning,

Anūpanīto sa nivesanesu.
they’re not indoctrinated in dogmas.

Saññāvirattassa na santi ganthā,
There are no ties for one detached from ideas;

Paññāvimuttassa na santi mohā;
there are no delusions for one freed by wisdom.

Saññañca diṭṭhiñca ye aggahesuṁ,
But those who have adopted ideas and views

Te ghaṭṭayantā vicaranti loke”ti.
wander the world causing conflict.”

Māgaṇḍiyasuttaṁ navamaṁ.