sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.10

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.10


The Questions of Todeyya

“Yasmiṁ kāmā na vasanti,
“In whom sensual pleasures do not dwell,”

(iccāyasmā todeyyo)
said Venerable Todeyya,

Taṇhā yassa na vijjati;
“and for whom there is no craving,

Kathaṅkathā ca yo tiṇṇo,
and who has crossed over doubts—

Vimokkho tassa kīdiso”.
of what kind is their liberation?”

“Yasmiṁ kāmā na vasanti,
“In whom sensual pleasures do not dwell,”

(todeyyāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Taṇhā yassa na vijjati;
“and for whom there is no craving,

Kathaṅkathā ca yo tiṇṇo,
and who has crossed over doubts—

Vimokkho tassa nāparo”.
their liberation is none other than this.”

“Nirāsaso so uda āsasāno,
“Are they free of hope, <j>or are they still in need of hope?

Paññāṇavā so uda paññakappī;
Do they possess wisdom, <j>or are they still forming wisdom?

Muniṁ ahaṁ sakka yathā vijaññaṁ,
O Sakyan, elucidate the sage to me,

Taṁ me viyācikkha samantacakkhu”.
so that I may understand, All-seer.”

“Nirāsaso so na ca āsasāno,
“They are free of hope, <j>they are not in need of hope.

Paññāṇavā so na ca paññakappī;
They possess wisdom, <j>they are not still forming wisdom.

Evampi todeyya muniṁ vijāna,
That, Todeyya, is how to understand a sage,

Akiñcanaṁ kāmabhave asattan”ti.
one who has nothing, unattached to sensual life.”

Todeyyamāṇavapucchā navamā.