sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.11

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.11


The Questions of Kappa

“Majjhe sarasmiṁ tiṭṭhataṁ,
“For those overwhelmed by old age and death,”

(iccāyasmā kappo)
said Venerable Kappa,

Oghe jāte mahabbhaye;
“stuck mid-stream

as the terrifying flood arises,

Dīpaṁ pabrūhi mārisa;
tell me an island, good sir.

Tvañca me dīpamakkhāhi,
Explain to me an island

Yathāyidaṁ nāparaṁ siyā”.
so that this may not occur again.”

“Majjhe sarasmiṁ tiṭṭhataṁ,
“For those overwhelmed by old age and death,”

(kappāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Oghe jāte mahabbhaye;
“stuck mid-stream

as the terrifying flood arises,

Dīpaṁ pabrūmi kappa te.
I shall tell you an island, Kappa.

Akiñcanaṁ anādānaṁ,
Having nothing, taking nothing:

etaṁ dīpaṁ anāparaṁ;
this is the isle of no return.

Nibbānaṁ iti naṁ brūmi,
I call it extinguishment,

the ending of old age and death.

Etadaññāya ye satā,
Those who have fully understood this, mindful,

are extinguished in this very life.

Na te māravasānugā,
They don’t fall under Māra’s sway,

Na te mārassa paddhagū”ti.
nor are they his lackeys.”

Kappamāṇavapucchā dasamā.