sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.12

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.12


The Questions of Jatukaṇṇī

“Sutvānahaṁ vīramakāmakāmiṁ,
“Hearing of the hero <j>with no desire for sensual pleasures,”

(iccāyasmā jatukaṇṇi)
said Venerable Jatukaṇṇī,

Oghātigaṁ puṭṭhumakāmamāgamaṁ;
“who has passed over the flood, I’ve come <j>with a question for that desireless one.

Santipadaṁ brūhi sahajanetta,
Tell me the state of peace, O natural visionary.

Yathātacchaṁ bhagavā brūhi metaṁ.
Tell me this, Blessed One, as it really is.

Bhagavā hi kāme abhibhuyya iriyati,
For, having mastered sensual desires, <j>the Blessed One proceeds,

Ādiccova pathaviṁ tejī tejasā;
as the blazing sun shines on the earth.

Parittapaññassa me bhūripañña,
May you of vast wisdom explain the teaching

Ācikkha dhammaṁ yamahaṁ vijaññaṁ;
to me of little wisdom so that I may understand

Jātijarāya idha vippahānaṁ”.
the giving up of rebirth and old age here.”

“Kāmesu vinaya gedhaṁ,
“With sensual desire dispelled,”

(jatukaṇṇīti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Nekkhammaṁ daṭṭhu khemato;
“seeing renunciation as sanctuary,

Uggahītaṁ nirattaṁ vā,
don’t be taking up or putting down

Mā te vijjittha kiñcanaṁ.
anything at all.

Yaṁ pubbe taṁ visosehi,
What came before, let wither away,

pacchā te māhu kiñcanaṁ;
and after, let there be nothing.

Majjhe ce no gahessasi,
If you don’t grasp at the middle,

upasanto carissasi.
you will live at peace.

Sabbaso nāmarūpasmiṁ,
One rid of greed, brahmin,

Vītagedhassa brāhmaṇa;
for the whole realm of name and form,

Āsavāssa na vijjanti,
has no defilements by which

Yehi maccuvasaṁ vaje”ti.
they might fall under the sway of Death.”

Jatukaṇṇimāṇavapucchā ekādasamā.