sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.13

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.13


The Questions of Bhadrāvudha

“Okañjahaṁ taṇhacchidaṁ anejaṁ,
“I beseech you, the shelter-leaver, the craving-cutter, <j>the imperturbable,”

(iccāyasmā bhadrāvudho)
said Venerable Bhadrāvudha,

Nandiñjahaṁ oghatiṇṇaṁ vimuttaṁ;
“the delight-leaver, the flood-crosser, the freed,

Kappañjahaṁ abhiyāce sumedhaṁ,
the formulation-leaver, the intelligent.

Sutvāna nāgassa apanamissanti ito.
Different people have gathered <j>from across the nations

Nānājanā janapadehi saṅgatā,
wishing to hear your word, O hero.

Tava vīra vākyaṁ abhikaṅkhamānā;
After hearing the spiritual giant <j>they will depart from here.

Tesaṁ tuvaṁ sādhu viyākarohi,
Please, sage, answer them clearly,

Tathā hi te vidito esa dhammo”.
for truly you understand this matter.”

“Ādānataṇhaṁ vinayetha sabbaṁ,
“Dispel all craving for attachments,”

(bhadrāvudhāti bhagavā
replied the Buddha,

Uddhaṁ adho tiriyañcāpi majjhe;
“above, below, all round, between.

Yaṁ yañhi lokasmimupādiyanti,
For whatever a person grasps in the world,

Teneva māro anveti jantuṁ.
Māra pursues them right there.

Tasmā pajānaṁ na upādiyetha,
So let a mindful mendicant who understands

Bhikkhu sato kiñcanaṁ sabbaloke;
not grasp anything in all the world,

Ādānasatte iti pekkhamāno,
observing that, in clinging to attachments,

Pajaṁ imaṁ maccudheyye visattan”ti.
these people cling to the domain of death.”

Bhadrāvudhamāṇavapucchā dvādasamā.