sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.17

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.17


The Questions of Piṅgiya

“Jiṇṇohamasmi abalo vītavaṇṇo,
“I am old, feeble, and pallid,”

(iccāyasmā piṅgiyo)
said Venerable Piṅgiya,

Nettā na suddhā savanaṁ na phāsu;
“my eyes unclear, my hearing faint—

Māhaṁ nassaṁ momuho antarāva,
don’t let me perish while still confused.

Ācikkha dhammaṁ yamahaṁ vijaññaṁ;
Explain the teaching so that I may understand

Jātijarāya idha vippahānaṁ”.
the giving up of rebirth and old age here.”

“Disvāna rūpesu vihaññamāne,
“Seeing them harmed on account of forms,”

(piṅgiyāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Ruppanti rūpesu janā pamattā;
“on account of forms <j>those negligent folk are afflicted—

Tasmā tuvaṁ piṅgiya appamatto,
therefore, Piṅgiya, being diligent,

Jahassu rūpaṁ apunabbhavāya”.
give up form so as not to be reborn.”

“Disā catasso vidisā catasso,
“The four quarters, the intermediate directions,

Uddhaṁ adho dasa disā imāyo;
below, and above: in these ten directions

Na tuyhaṁ adiṭṭhaṁ asutaṁ amutaṁ,
there’s nothing at all in the world

Atho aviññātaṁ kiñcanamatthi loke;
that you’ve not seen, heard, thought, or cognized.

Ācikkha dhammaṁ yamahaṁ vijaññaṁ,
Explain the teaching so that I may understand

Jātijarāya idha vippahānaṁ”.
the giving up of rebirth and old age here.”

“Taṇhādhipanne manuje pekkhamāno,
“Observing people sunk in craving,”

(piṅgiyāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Santāpajāte jarasā parete;
“tormented, mired in old age;

Tasmā tuvaṁ piṅgiya appamatto,
therefore, Piṅgiya, being diligent,

Jahassu taṇhaṁ apunabbhavāyā”ti.
give up craving so as not to be reborn.”

Piṅgiyamāṇavapucchā soḷasamā.