sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 1.57

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 1.57

The Book of the Ones

Chapter Six


Kuṭivihārin (2nd)

“Ayamāhu purāṇiyā kuṭi,
This was your old hut,

Aññaṁ patthayase navaṁ kuṭiṁ;
but you still want a new hut.

Āsaṁ kuṭiyā virājaya,
Let go of hope for a hut, monk!

Dukkhā bhikkhu puna navā kuṭī”ti.
A new hut will only bring more suffering.

… Dutiyakuṭivihāritthero ….